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Share your quitting journey

Moving forward N.M.W.

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As horrid as quitting smoking is  thankfully it's also DOABLE plus our lives literally depends on us to stick with N.O.P.E and vigilance N.M.W - No Matter What!!! Smoking kills and it doesn't matter who you are or where you live it's bound to catch up with you at some point BUT hopefully by quitting smoking you'll be giving yourself a better quality of life because breathing is essential to living and being able to enjoy the little things in LIFE is the gift of LIFE..... 


Cancer is everywhere both my sisters are dealing with breast cancer but are doing fine right now my brother in law Bob isn't doing so well with stage 4 kidney cancer he's married to My hubbys sister Wendy and there's so many others in and around my little community that's battling cancer and some have lost their battle, life is way too short to knowingly continue to slowly kill ourselves N.O.P.E - Not One Puff Ever is what we all need to do to heighten our chances of a much better quality of LIFE and it's absolutely worth all of the horrendous cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to be FREE....I certainly had some horrendous cravings in my early weeks of quitting smoking some were back to back and they seemed never ending I might be laughing one moment and the next I'd be blatting like a baby or maybe I'd be in a snit feeling like tearing my hair out or better yet rip someone's face off anyone's face it really didn't matter who's face I'm telling you it wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT I knew that I would make it through because of this community and all of you being here and I did the reading that was suggested which helped tremendously and here I am on day 2031 and I still smile at each and every Day WON because LIFE really is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand......


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I am so sorry you are having to deal with all that cancer illness so close to you.  I know it takes a toll.....

BUT a day addiction free is something to celebrate.  I intend to do just that, and know you will, too!


Oh Marilyn MarilynH so much cancer...I am so sorry hon.  Sending a prayer right now for all close to you suffering.  So happy you and I both choose to quit smoking, it doesn’t save us from cancer, but maybe it will help us beat it...God bless you Marilyn and your family...xoxoxoxo Colleen 428 DOF 


Marilyn, I know it's devastating to have so much cancer all around you.  It seems very prevalent these days.

I'm glad we are off the cigs.  xo


So sorry you have to deal with this in your family! Stay strong and know that you have done the right thing!


Marilyn - I know how difficult it is when those around us are sick. Please take care! Congrats on your fabulous quit!! 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....