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Share your quitting journey

In the end....

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I really really really like this meme below for some reason when I came across it this morning it hit me that it was the perfect one to post! Quitting smoking/Vaping or dipping is EXtremely difficult to quit BUT boy oh boy it's most definitely worth it once we get to that good place in our quits! 




In the end, glad we put smoking in our REAR view mirrors!  😁😁😂

download (2).jpg

(sorry, but my sense of humor just aways butts its way in!)



I like this Marilyn.  I like the emphasis on the "little things" that were actually big things, in the grand scheme of our quits.  Little things like realizing how clean your fingers smell now.  Like walking in the parking lot and smelling nicotine, but realizing you can do that.  You CAN walk by and smell smoke and not have to run out and buy a pack.....that put a smile on my face.  I hope all the little things put a smile on your face, as well.  Yee-haw @YoungAtHeart  Nancy!  


Thanks Nancy @YoungAtHeart as @biscuit9 says Yee-haw 😁 you put a smile on my face too! Huge hug to you both. 🤗

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....