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Share your quitting journey

Be Wary

10 11 175

After finishing the clearing at the oasis, we began the journey to the next one. 

I noticed a light off of the trail. 

We decided to check it out and discovered it to be a band of people.

I recognized Luck E Strike, Mar L Boro, Virginia Slim, Chesterfield Jones, Paul Mall, Kool Jamison, and several others.

They were talking low and seemed to disagree on some points.

I thought they were up to no good and the Sheik agreed.

After a quick consultation, we decided to capture them and try to find out what they were doing.

We surrounded them and quickly captured them.

The Sheik suggested we take them far into the desert to question them so we wouldn't be interrupted.

Several miles into the sands we stopped and began questioning them.

They refused to answer my questions, so the Sheik suggested that I walk away and let him and his men do the questioning.

After several hours the Sheik came back to inform me that Nic and his crew were planning a lot of trouble for the travelers.

We spoke at length about what we should do with this bunch. 

I left them to the tender mercies of the Bedoins and rode off finally.

I doubt if I will ever see these folks again.

Take this as a warning to keep your eyes open for traps and be very careful on the trail. There could be an ambush or trap anywhere out here on the trail.

I want to see everyone on the other side of the desert.

Remember .....

One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be.

Larry the Caravan Master

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Thank you dear Larry...for your reminders always...OldBones-Larry Have a happy Sunday...~ Colleen 223 DOF 


Thanks, Larry.  That phrase, "One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be." is one I have quoted many times and that I have always found incredibly useful.



Thank you MY beloved brother Larry teaching ME to always be spiritually fit when entering MY NEW DAY - one day - one step - and always remember other's above MYSELF - gentle hug❤


Thank you oh great caravan master!


Thank you Larry for all that you do here I hope you are doing well.....



Always enjoy the way you present wisdom, thank you my friend. Be safe in your travels


Thank You Larry

So glad to see you more often here. I take it you are feeling better

Happy that we have your steps to follow to get us where we want to be


Following your camel will always lead us to safety...

Related image


Thanks, Larry


Thanks Larry


Always look forward to your creative stories of wisdom.

About the Author
I am a male that underwent coronary artery bypass X3 (triple) on 10/22/13 at the age of 55. I was living on about 20-30% of one coronary artery and my left heart output was only 20% to 25%. I spent a week in the hospital after surgery and went home. Then had to go back a day later for another week because I had pneumonia. Finally a few days because of a slight arythmia. All told it has been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am past the cravings by now and only have the urges to contend with. I really don't suggest that anyone quits smoking using this technique though. I'll have to carry the scars from that day for the rest of my life. The large one down the center of my chest, and the ones from several "silent" infarctions. I came that close to the next world. Never again will I subject my body to that (at one point in my life I was smoking 5 packs of cigarillos a day). I now have to say N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) every day of my life. TheOldGoat-Joan, I miss you terribly my friend. Elder Lists Guilia's: (/blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016 ) or Smorgy's (Chronological Elder List)