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Share your quitting journey

What it was like, what happened, and what it's like now : Part 1

2 8 275

Today is Day 2 ! I had four solid days before this and then decided to "share" a cigarette with someone. Finally, decided to try this website. my roommate recommended it. it's seems pretty cool so far. I love community, sharing, and creating art (writing) so this seems like a great fit. Here it goes...

What it was like: 

My first smoke was when I was around 7 or 8. Stealing one from my mother's pack of Virginia Slims, a proper right of passage for any true child of the early 90's. Mischievous firestarter that I was, naturally I shared the experience with a neighborhood friend. 

Old Friend cigarette didn't come knocking on my door until the age of 18. After the first "real" heartbreak I had experienced. It was Christmas of 2006 and I had just been broken up with the night before. Not before having gifted them a new Ipod with somewhat hard-earned money of my own, which when you are a live-at-home teenage stoner working at a Togo's Sandwich shop is an extremely big deal. 

The day I actually starting smoking I was getting high (af) per usual, so as to not feel any emotion around what I couldn't quite articulate or communicate at the time. I saw my stoner buddy Fred smoking a Marb Red and I said "Hey!...Can I get one of those?"

Thus the story begins, along with smoking pot and drinking, tobacco joined the frequent party bus that was my life from the age of 18-24. oh the Glory days of blackouts and adult swim reruns.

To be continued...


Welcome Seanna!! I hope you find this community as helpful as I have.. I can't wait to read the rest of your story....

Jo 27 DOF


Welcome to the community!  Let us know if we can help!  Looking forward to the rest of the story!


Welcome to the Ex community. Keep coming back! Quitting is a mighty fine journey all told. 


Keep coming back to us for help Seanna.  Addiction is a very serious problem.

Lillian (vanlil)


Welcome to the site, I am REALLY looking forward to continuing to read your story.  Please let us know if we can help you in any way.  Welcome to EX.


Welcome to the site, we're all here for you and your precious quit and I'm also ready and waiting for the rest of your story....

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome! Your roommate is on here? What an honor that they recommended EX.  

EX Community Manager


Howdy!  Snooping is encouraged.  Read everything you can get your eyeballs on and soak it up like a sponge.  Education is the best thing you can do for yourself.  Knowledge is power against this addiction.  Seek, reach, ask, do.  Glad you've joined us!