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Share your quitting journey

Sticking with N.O.P.E. ~ N,M.W.

4 26 124

I got up EXtra early to put on a batch of bread so I can get the three ovenfulls done by noon it's really amazing how much better we can function without having to stop for smoke breaks I used to need at least 4 coffee and maybe 5 PLUS 6 or possibly 7 cigarettes before I could get myself started and of course I'd be sitting outside in all kinds of weather doing this BUT thankfully not anymore because I don't do that anymore and neither do you right! I can now function on a few sips of coffee with a fairly clear head! No more sitting in a cloud of smoke!


My little Elf on the shelf was an Elf on the fan light in the bedroom last night LOL HA HA HA, I didn't notice him until Mark showed me this morning ..... A couple of nights ago the Elf on the shelf was the Elf on the filing cabinet in the bedroom facing Mark  we all need a little humor in our lives and being silly at times works for me.....


We've totally lucked out this year with the white stuff BUT Mother Nature has decided to send us our first snowfall this season starting this afternoon into Monday up to 40 cm or 15 inches of wet heavy snow BUT that's A OK because we've had a wonderful Fall compared to the last several years!

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About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....