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Low Dose Chest CT Scan

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I just wanted to update anyone who remembered that I was having a CT scan to rule out early signs of lung cancer, I called my doctor’s office three times after calling the CT Services office and being told that the san was read on August 21st.  My doctor’s NURSE called and left a quick message on my phone saying that she would make sure the doctor knew that I wanted the results and that I should get a call very soon.  That was on Friday.  I never got a call but I DID get a letter from the Lung Cancer Screening Program thanking me for my participation. 

The results are:  “…no sign of lung cancer, however, there is a finding on your exam that is not suspicious for lung cancer but may require further evaluation…it should not be ignored.”  “Please contact your health care provider to discuss these results and the next step in your medical care.”  I TRIED.  I work Monday and Tuesday and cannot get calls at work because no cell phones work in the building, they cut out.  I guess I will either hear from them after work or Wednesday.  I have an echocardiogram scheduled at the same facility on Friday.  I have to assume that this is nothing “urgent” or they would have contacted me.  I am not impressed with this practice and will likely be moving on to a different one, after I tell them why.  The recommendation is that I have another scan in a year, if there was a significant finding of a nodule or something, they would likely recommend three months.

Hope everyone is well, my youngest daughter is visiting from NYC, she went to a downtown festival today, ate dinner a little while ago and is off to an outdoor theater for a concert.  Tomorrow, she and I are going to see “Ricki and the Flash” because we tend to see ALL of Meryl Streep’s movies together. She wanted to go at night but I reminded her that I have to work Mon and Tues, hence, get up really early and I do not do well with limited sleep so we are going in the afternoon.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend a great SMOKEFREE weekend.  

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About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.