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Just smoked my last cigarette

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I could feel the poison entering my lungs, my heart race increasing and my head spinning. I decided to truly give it up two days ago around 6pm and I went the rest of that night into the next day about noon and smoked all day yesterday. Felt like I was doing it against my will. Out of pure habit. When they say cigarettes is the hardest thing to quit I truly believe it now. But my mind is made up I just need to apply different things to my life so that I can break the habit of wanting to smoke because I no longer enjoy it! I hate how hard my heart is pounding right now I ingested that poison into me. I’m tired of being tired. I want a life long change of being a non-smoker. My partner still smokes and we were supposed to quit together but I see that’s not possible. My mind is made up but I don’t believe his is. I’m ready for this journey and I must remain strong. Any encouragement or tips will be truly helpful.

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About the Author
Just a recovering addict just trying to l let go of another addiction. I really want a smoke free date that I cherish as much as my clean date!