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Share your quitting journey

I want to be an EX

1 13 23

Hello, theresann.  1st day here, not first day attempting to stop smoking.  I have failed 4x in my 20+ years of smoking.  I turned 50 in Oct.  I look in the mirror at the wrinkles around my mouth and am so let down with myself, I get bronchitis easy.  I am a nurse.  I am a Mommy.  I do not like how i feel physically or mentally anymore from smoking.  I use to enjoy it.  It was an escape and my "time" but now it feels  more like a crutch and a burden and a destroyer.

I am on Chantix.  (I used it before, it worked very well) did not smoke for over a year.   I do not want to gain weight though and am extrememly fearful of this.  Weight gain was a big excuse for putting off smoking.  But I have had bronchitis since last of Oct 2016 and because of my smoking, my body just is not healing well.  Steroids, antibiotics, inhalers, all too familiar.  I want to stop more than I ever have wanted to before but I am so reliant on the "calm" i get from it.  I need help, I can not do this alone.  So here I am, asking......

Thank you.