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I have been extremely sick since Saturday, telling myself it's just a virus it needs to run its course, that is until you swear you've just had a flock of honking Canadian geese fly overhead only to realize it's you breathing!! Now here comes the absolute STUPID part...honestly I shake my head at the absurdity at which this addiction had a hold of me...if I was still a smoker, which I'm not thank the Heavenly Lord, I would be able to gauge if my sickness was bronchitis or not if I could inhale and not hack up a lung! For some unknown ridiculous reason I just felt smoking made me feel better when I was sick and I smoked A LOT!! 

This is the first time I have been sick since I quit and I didn't even realize being sick would be such a huge trigger for me, but I kicked Mr. Nicocreep to the curb, got my Z Pack and because they thought this sickness was going to morph into a sinus infection, gave me a refill on the Z Pack,  and I am feeling almost like myself! So much so that it is time to let 'er rip!! Today is day 50 of fabulous FREEDOM!! I am a tigress, hear me RRRROOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!! Man that felt good!! HUGS TO ALL OF YOU!! 🙂