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As you may know, here in Northeastern Pennsylvania we have to deal with Winter Weather from November to March (April?). So I am re-posting my yearly DRIVING IN SNOW blog because once again, in our first (but surely not last) snowstorm of the season, I saw all of these examples of driving behavior and more.


While driving today in a real Pennsylvania snow storm....I was thinking that this is a lot like quitting smoking. 

When you drive the interstates in Northeastern PA during a storm...there is generally only one lane plowed out of three. Most everyone with a BRAIN in their head, drives in the plowed lane about 10-15 miles an hour...and we all get home safely.

It takes quite a long time.

It takes patience.

It is really not fun.

It can sometimes be a little scary---but much less so if you just GET IN THE LANE AND FOLLOW THE OTHERS!!!!

Now, of course, sometimes we have people who MUST drive in the other lanes even if they are not plowed (these are the "I can have just one quitters") Their antics in driving that way work out just about as well for them as they do for those who smoke "just one!"

There are also those who simply cannot go 10-15 miles per hour---they know better. (These are the quitters who insist on drinking or in other ways jeopardizing their quit). Again, their ride usually works out about as well as drinking and quitting does!

But if you take a deep breath (breathe deeply), put on your seat belt (get those cough drops, candies, sunflowers seeds), know what it is like to drive in an active snow storm(read, read, read), then get in the lane and follow the others(come to the site and listen to advice) will get home will also become an EX

Drive safely!  And keep that quit STRONG!


…And pray the other’s around aren’t driving like idiots… Oh sorry did I just say that Sootie @Sootie LOL…I prayed a lot when I drove in PA in the snow.  

On that note, I like this repost, it will help so many new quitters especially those with a New Year’s Resolution to quit…!

Wishing you safe travels along the roads in PA especially when it snows… ~ Colleen 1473 DOF 


EXcellent comparison!  And SO true of quitters (and winter drivers!)

Thanks for it!



Nice! Thanks, Sootie.


@Sootie Great analogy.  Leaving in Western PA, I can also associate with the scary driving situations  over the years.   I was already caught in a snow squall a week or so ago.  After the first time, I'm fine.   It's the same with smoking.   Once you've experienced an event or emotion without smoking,  you have the confidence to face it again without the apprehension that you can't do it..

Thanks for sharing this again,


About the Author
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.