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Approaching my 2 year quit milestone and what a ride it's been

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Isn't It funny that as we approach these big milestones smoking starts to feature heavily in our brains again.  I've logged on frequently in the last few days and really happy to see my old friends and quit buddies reliable as ever, supporting each other and guiding the newbies. I envy your commitment  to the site. Im thrilled to see Pops‌ and TerrieQuit‌ back. I've missed you guys, so glad you are rejoining the gang.

We all have our stories and I love that I can share mine here with such lovely supportive people. This last 2 years has been quite a journey for me. I've  travelled through some very dark places and hopefully now out the other side.

I didn' t realise quite what I was getting into that day when I decided to try and go without my cigs. I didn't realise that as well as making that choice my body was also changing. I didn't know that I was also menopausal on that day. 

I know today nearly 2 years on, that quitting smoking and going through the menopause at the same time is quite a challenge for the body and more importantly the mind. The anxiety and depression brought on by these 2 major life changing events have been hellish. I didn't know what I didnt know and I've had to educate myself about facing addiction and about hormonal changes. I get now why I cried soooooooo much  

I'm a tough, capable person who has been brought to my knees but I'm bouncing back and I still haven't smoked. 

Im lucky that I dont have to be around smokers much anymore where I live but I've just come back from Morrocco where it seems everyone smokes. I really didn't like being around smokers, not because I wanted a cigarette but because I didn't like the smell hanging in the air, I hated the smell on my clothes and in my hair when I got back to the hotel and walking through clouds of smoke in the medinas made me cough. Listening to the smokers coughing and wheezing made me finally realise how far I've come.

And so this 2 year milestone is coming. I AM SO PROUD OF ME. I have no idea what's coming next on my journey but I know that with education and support and with my tenacity I will get through it. 

Love to you all



So happy to see you and happier still to hear you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Keep moving toward it! 

Congratulations on your 2 year quit!



What a neat blog....sort of endorses alot of what Dale & some of the other elders were saying around here....look to get two holidays to repeat in your quit before you start thinking of someone who has it handled....not sure if the wording is correct, but I think you catch the drift.  I tried to keep a look out for that, and made it about 3/4 of the way through them, and then poof!  I woke up one morning, and that demonic thought was in my head, and it wasn't going to be denied any time too soon.  After about 3 hours of constant battling it....I finally said..."wtf...I'll be right back, and then went to the gas station & bought a pack of death...."  It took me several months to get that demon @ bay again....congrats on that 2 year mark coming up....keep your eye on the prize....your balance and self esteem are what's weighing in the balance....

Once again, great blog, and thanks....

Pops with 9 days and 11 hours of freedom!!!


Glad to see you made  it through dispute the menopause challenge ! Hope you are not having hot flashes mine lasted so many years the worst is over but I still have them now and then ! For a long time my fan was like a best friend .

Congrats on your coming 2 year anniversary Nix 8594_original.jpg


Well, look who's here, good morning my friend.  Good to see you blogging this great milestone.  Like I said in my instance, the first year is a blur, the second year is learning so much of yourself.  I'm anxious to see what year 3 will be.  You sound fantastic and you know you can always get ahold of me if you should ever have any questions or problems along the way.  Congratulations !!!!!!!!!


It's wonderful to see you and even more wonderful to congratulate you on your stupendous 2 year milestone approaching I love celebrating milestones, yay for you and YAY for Smokefree living .



We are proud of you too! Happy 2 years!


Thanks Pops. So good to see you back and congrats on your quit. I do still get days when I crave and crave but I think through my HALT and sometimes it' just sheer determination needed but those days are less and less. You know the drill, stick with it my friend




Thanks bonniebee‌. Those hot flashes are dreadful aren' they 


Thanks crazymama_Lori‌. You are awesome. I agree about year 1, I really feel like I lost 18 months but it' s definitely worth it. Love catching up with everyone' progress. Missing everyone 


and a little aside, I swear by Estroven for hot flashes.  I know the mood and stress helps me a great deal.  all homopathic


Congratulations on 2 wonderful years!!!!:-):-) 



It is so delightful to hear from you and what a great blog...yeah, two years is a long time and add in menopause AND quitting smoking and it probably has seemed endless.  I went through menopause when my youngest was getting ready to have her first about RAGING HORMONES...and that was WITH smoking.  I congratulate you, I am so proud of you and happy for you.  BOTH journeys...the quit and menopause really are on their own schedules...taking care of yourself is HUGE.  I can only imagine Morocco and the smoking, it's not fun to smell smoke and to feel like you have to walk through someone else's smoke...YUCK.

I look forward to congratulating you on your two years smoke free...I hope it is just the beginning.

Best to you,



Hey it's my quit buddy. Good to see you in here. Glad to here your heading strong to the 2 year milestone. Thanks for being ahead of me and paving a clear path from the Nico dude.  I am proud of you too.  It really is amazing the changes in our lives going through this journey. Congratulations on 2 years. Woohoo!!!


It IS funny about those major milestones and how our brains do a bit of a flip flop.  I remember my inner voice saying "you could have a cigarette to celebrate!"  Amazing.  Celebrate quitting by smoking.  So much irony.  

You should be proud of that tough, capable you!  We are too!


Good blog Nix and yep I'm coming back. I have been here a lot lately, getting the brains in the right mode! Congratulations on 2 years!