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And then I woke up

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The last time I vaped was 9PM EST last night.  I woke up at 7AM in horrible withdrawal.  Immediately I began my nicotine replacement therapy.  I can’t take the patch because it gives me too much anxiety.  I have gum and lozenges.  I can take up to 9 of eitherone a day.  How in the world am I going to get through this? I’m in recovery. I’m also in mental health treatment for trauma.  PTSD, depression and anxiety.  On the 9th of this month I’ll have a year sober from all other substances besides caffeine.  I’ve been through opioid withdrawal.  Will this be as bad?  I’m going to remember all the tools I have from my 12 step program.  I’m going to call my sponsor.  I’m doing this because I met with my cardiologist on Monday and my cholesterol is in the danger zone.  I’m at imminent risk of having a heart attack or stroke.  I HAVE to put down the vape.  Period. Immediately.  Relapsing on anything is not an option.  I’ve worked my **bleep** off to get and stay sober.  Grant me the serenity…Female, 49.  My name is Rachel.