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2015 is the year I give up smoking for good

1 12 29

I have toyed with quitting smoking for the last year; tried in February; tried in March; never lasted more than a day.  There was denial and some ridiculous feeling that if I gave up smoking I would lose a "friend."  Of course my rational mind realizes that makes no sense, but emotionally I had that hangup.  Then about a month ago I saw an Xray of my lungs, and it made a real impression.  I'm about to turn 66 years old, have smoked heavily for over 50 years, and I'm lucky things aren't worse.  I had been in denial for several years about having COPD and that day turned it around.  I admitted I had the disease, set an appointment with my family doctor, and set January 1 at midnight as my quit date.  This is going to sound crazy, but ever since I saw a picture of my lungs I've "related" to them differently, and I can actually imagine them celebrating that I am not putting that toxic smoke into them anymore.  Go ahead and laugh, but it's helping me to relate to my body in a way that I never have before, motivating me to take care of my body in a way I never have before.  So this is Day One (again) but every day hereafter I will be quit because I cannot justify taking another drag into my poor lungs.

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