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1000 Days Today. xo

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Hello my EX family!!!   ‘Quad Squad’ time for me…I remember when my count up clock was hours not days. You all kept me going.

I can’t thank this community enough for helping me to quit smoking and just as important to ‘protect my quit’.

Tommy. Don’t have enough room on a page for his kind friendship. He knows.

Skygirl, Jordan & Freedom38 (Kari) were my ‘quit buddies’ and kept me laughing and feeling loved.

Giulia. Soul sister.

Aztec & Owlfeather showered their wisdom and love on me.

JoJo from Philly who commented on every early blog with support.

Shawn who I can’t even begin to thank for her beautiful self.

Nancy Young at Heart gave me the kind of sweet and gentle support only she knows how to give!

Kathy (Strudel) I got to meet in person at the first EX get together and I cherish my moments with her.

Thomas gave me non-judgmental love about an issue that was haunting me in my first 2 weeks that altered my world for the better since that day.

Dale ‘Jonescarp’ inspired me with the 130 day challenge and a way to navigate the NML ‘No Mans Land’.

Ex Nancy long gone from the site kept it real for me and inspired me to be a first responder for 2 years.

As I start thinking about it there are SO many others who have inspired me…Teresa ‘Smokedout’…Cyn…Betty…Mikecity…Mikein@lanta…LOTS more…

Let’s face it folks we have one hell of a support community here!

If you want to quit smoking and find the beauty of life you have come to the right place. Do the suggested reading and stay close to the site. Welcome to your new life!