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Give and get support around quitting


Here we go again.

I've "quit" so many times I quit counting. I am really hoping this time it will stick. I'm 30, I've been married for 4 years, I have a sweet 2 year old daughter.

At my church's Good Friday service we were asked to write down a prayer or confession we have on a piece of paper. I glanced at my husband's and it said he wanted me to finally stop smoking. Then today he sent me a text message that his father might have cancer yet he's still eating a bunch of crap that he knows he should be staying away from (his father is a diabetic as well). My first reaction was to tell him that it really sucks to watch someone we care for slowly kill themselves and there isn't anything we can do to stop it. Well, isn't that what I'm doing with smoking?

I dont smoke a lot really. I usually only smoke when I go to a freind's house on Thursday night. It's our off night and we go and smoke and talk and watch Grey's Anatomy. Occasionally if I'm super stressed/bored/sad/mad/etc I'll buy myself a pack and it will take me about 3 days to go through it.

Both of my parents were smokers and they're both deceased. I don't know how many times I've wanted to call my mom for advice about my daughter and I can't. My dad wasn't even here to walk me down the isle. I don't want my daughter to be 30 years old with a family of her own and not be able to call me when she wants to.

I've recently loss 20 pounds, I have about 50 more to go, and now my next step is to stop smoking. I'm here on this website because I need all the support I can get. I hope to get to know you all better.

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2 Replies

Hi RbyFzzl! You are real close. When watching your tv shows, instead of smoking, chew some cinammon sticks or any kind of gum. Cinnamon makes it easier for the smoking urge to go away, as it leaves a sort of burning sensation in the mouth.

When you buy a pack, keep one and throw the pack away. just keep in mind - the more of these you have, the more is the urge, the more difficult it is to quit.

Just flood & divert your mind with thoughts and ideas like crazy when the urge starts. It works :).

I am smoke free for 3 days now. I know its not a lot, but still it means something.
All the best.

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