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Give and get support around quitting


Hello, new here

Hi everyone, I am trying to quit smoking and have tried at least 5 times during the last year with no success. I tried Chantix but it made me very depressed. I have had the most success with the patch but it seems like once it starts to get easy and the cravings go away that's when I give in and start to smoke again. I quit on Aug 1st but started smoking again this weekend. I want to get back on track and lose this habit for good. I am hoping posting here and seeing others success it will give me the help to get thru this.
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3 Replies

The key to quitting is getting serious about quitting and quit using excuses to smoke. There is no magic way to quit and everyone's quit is whatever works for them. It takes alot of determination and motivation, and you'll definitely get support here. You CAN do this.
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Hello Lee, I am in the same situation. Think once the patch nicotine level gets really low I resume smoking....Using the losengers when the cravings are bad only. Working so far but only day 2 lol... Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shelly
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Hello...I joined some time ago, quit for awhile, then started again. I was SO ready last time, and am hoping to mentally get to that point again so. All my Drs (I have chronic illnesses) are on me to quit...I'll be 62 in husband smokes and that makes it difficult, but not unsurmountable...well, good luck to all, and to me!
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