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Give and get support around quitting


What's Your Mantra?

Do you have one?
If you do, does it help?

I have one, and yes, it is helpful.
When I'm stressing, and I want one bad...
(Which hasn't happened this time...yet....)
I use the following mantra:

Nais Gadol Haya Po
And it means,
A Great Miracle is Happening Here!

It reminds me of the strength that is behind my quit.

How about you? Do you have a mantra that helps you get past the hard times?

Man, I really wish this forum had smilies... :>(

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14 Replies

I'll keep your mantra in mind.
Quitting smoking is nothing short of a miracle for me.

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Oh, I LOVE mantras! I have a new one depending on the "period" of my life. A great one for most ALL occasions is "POWER THROUGH". It covers most any occasion. I also love, "Carpe Diem" (sp.?) or "Seize the Day". Some days my mantra is " I'ts All About Me". Another great one that covers my life & my house & my family, etc. is "A Work In Progess". I guess I'm a mantra factory. I'm sure it gets old to the people close to me who have to hear this crap all the time but I'm sorry. I LOVE saying this crap! Be glad yall don't live and work with me! He he. Hey, whatever gets you through the day, right? & this crap REALLY does! Kelli-15 days, 15 hours. 469 nicotine delivery devices avoided. $82.00 NOT given to big tobacco companies. ONE & ONE HALF DAYS ADDED TO MY LIFE!.......Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
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Hey historyteach, I love what this mantra means. See if you can spell it out phoneticly (sp?) for me. I would LOVE to be able to say it out loud. Thanks,Kelli
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Never take another puff
One day at a time
It will get better
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This went thru my head often especially in the begining..,

The crave will pass wether I smoke or not.

And it did even though I didin't.
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I've never been "hooked on phonics" lol,
But, I'll try my best!
And if it doesn't work for you, go to any synogogue and show the rabbi there the saying, on a piece of paper. S/he will be happy to help you say it, cuz, it REALLY is a miracle!

Here goes!
Ny ees ga dole hi ya poe!
A great miracle is happening here! :>)

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Thank you!!!
That smile put a smile on my face! :>)

I'm glad you like the post.
I hope it's helpful for others too.
I know my mantra got me past some very difficult times before when I really wanted to smoke! OY!
I was quit for over two years when I relapsed in December, on the 25th...
So, I'm back to quitting again. *sigh*
And back to my mantra again! Yea!!!

Today, I am past Hell Week!
I am now One week, one day, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 36 seconds nicotine free. That's 164 cigarettes not smoked, saving $49.45. Life saved: 13 hours, 40 minutes. :>)

Remember to keep the quit and post before you puff!

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After I clicked on reply to this, I realized that I meant to comment on your mantra. It is absolutely beautiful! We are all miracles here and blessed by the beauty of the power of WE! Way to go, you're now into Heckel land!! I just left heck and am going to weak week!! 14 days here -- so here's a big WAHOOOOOOOOOO for you and me too!

Shalom to you as well friend!!
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Did you ever wonder how far a smile can travel? I believe that they can go around the world, over and over and over...again!

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