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Give and get support around quitting


Monday June 2nd!!

I am quitting for the last time on June 2nd, this Monday! Daunting, scary, but ever so relieving and exciting. These are my feelings as the day draws nearer...!!
Anyone else quitting on Monday?
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12 Replies

Hey Rob...I was trying to find June Buddies but I'm assuming it's not on this site? I can't find it here or via Google...could you point me to it. Feel free to email it to me if you need to keep it private... Thank you! hope you're doing alright on your quitting...should be about 4 days in by now? Best of luck to you!

To the rest of you...hang tough...we can do this! I'm starting to get a little scared myself because I've been smoking 1/3 of my life (started at 11 and will be 34 this year) plus I've failed a gazillion times, but I'm trying to be strong, stick to the EX plan and Chantix, and reading your stories here! Good luck all of you!

God Bless you all,
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Hey Tanya, Hows the chantrix working?? Going cold tomorrow..Gonna to be a bastard to live with i know..but its time

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Hi Tanya,

It's not secret, just by invitation 🙂 Just go to groups and in the search bar look for "Buddies". It should come up. When you click on it, you'll get a message window for requesting an invitation. It's not done that way to keep anybody out, it's just that the creator of the group wanted control in case we started getting abusive people posting to it. It is meant as a support group more than a general interest group. Let me know if you can't find it.

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