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May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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my quit date is April 17th, But the merry merry Month of May will be my true test of trials and tribulations with these upcomming weeks...I'm an new to this site, i believe i have my profile all updated and mindset to commit to myself of being a non smoker again, I say again becuz not only will be my 2nd time of before the peer pressure of adolestance and growing into motherhood in early 20's i stopped smoking while i was pregnant, if i can do it for another life, why not my own too... good luck to everyone, this site is a great inspiration and ultra super loaded with info and entertaining video clips... We can do it! it just takes one second at a time!

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my QD is 5/1, nervous and excited!!!
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Hey!! all you May quitters. Im starting to get nervous because May will be here in just Ten days!! i picked my B-day to be my quit date which is the ninth, so i'm lucky for those few extra days 🙂 but all the same i am still nervous. I have been going back and forth about if i was going ot try to stop cold turkey or if i should try the gum, if any of y
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you all have thought about which method will use. let me know!! help!
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my method was cold turkey, not by true choice, just expense, i refuse to give any more money to the tabacco companies that got me into this mess, now i have to get myself out, it only hurts for a little while about 2-3 days, then it's just the habit and the lifestyle changes you have to make along with it... whichever method you choose, it's for the better for your health...
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  I wore a patch today because i had an internal flight for a meeting, meaning no real oportunity to smoke. I was actually surprised how i didn't really think about cigarettes at all except once when i left the airport and seen lots of people smoking. I had a cigarette when i came home this evening but the stress of the day did'nt really seem to bother me. This has made me extremely happy and i'm confident that i can do it this time. I'm thinking my quit day should be next Monday. until then I'm smoking very few.
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As I get closer to my quit day (May 1) the more anxious I get! I realized that I have defined myself as a "smoker", and keep having the thought..."If I am not a smoker... who am I?" and "If I don't smoke, what am I go to do?" Even though I know that this is ridiculous the thoughts keeps churning in my head, and I think that this may be the hump that I have to get over in order to become smoke free!

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i drove one exit from work before letting myself light up last night...just an experiment!!! i ate ice and sang w/ the radio, it's wasn't too bad, i'm going to drive one exit further every day until the big QD on may first!!! i am also really nervous and anxious, but looking forward to being a non-smoker, just have to get through those first few days!!! fyi: i live in ohio and ohio has a program where they will pay for your first few weeks of nicotine replacement therapy, it's called "ohio quit line", you can google it for the #, other states may offer this as well???
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Erika I'm so with you on that. I keep thinking to myself well if I quit smoking what am I gonna do for the rest of my life. I mean I've wasted all those precious minutes smoking and now that I'm trying to get them back what am I gonna do with. I started out by not bring smokes in the car with me so that makes it almost an hour driving without smokes. And then all day with out one. It's weird I can go all day at work without smoking but the minute I get home I have one and the another and another. I have been working on the waiting five minutes before having one and finding other things to do but it still is in the back of my mind "what am I gonna do after I finally kick the smoking".
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  I am so grateful that I am not alone in my thinking.
  I started out the same way. That was my first big step was not smoking in the car. My drive is only about 25 minutes each way but in that time I usually had 2-3 cigs. I too am doing good during the day. I have 2-3 at work but then get home and just want to smoke and smoke.
  As I weather gets better I am hoping to get out of the house to do things and just leave the cigarettes at home!
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