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Give and get support around quitting


I quit as of yesterday...

My quit date wasn't supposed to be until June 7th but I just couldn't take the smoking anymore. I have a baby nephew on the way and he is most likely going to be here before that. I quit way before schedule, but that is okay. Today is my first cig free day and I'm pretty excited. It's already been a little rough, my cravings are still there, but I know I can do this with support.

Please help support me?
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2 Replies

Was curious about how you are doing... My big day is tomorrow. I've tried so many times before. I'm doing it "cold turkey", no meds, etc. Lots of prayer though. In the past when I have "quit", some times it's easier than others. So, I don't know quite what to expect this time. I'm a closet smoker also, so my church family has no clue. I am actually tempted to tell them now, so I can count on support. I've always been so ashamed of being a smoker. I sure am hoping you are doing well. And any words of wisdom would be appreciated! Keep your chin up!
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Welcome Ashley
This is a great place to come for some encouragement and support. I too changed my date from May to June back to May again. I couldn't stand thinking I was going to be smoking for another two weeks so I quit today. It's been ok. I'm only 3 hours away from the 24 hour mark. It helps reading about all the triggers that I can expect so that I don't fail. It's great that your excited that today is your first smoke free day. If you need any support just let us know. Hugs and Support!
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