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Give and get support around quitting


Hello All...

I'm a wife and mom of two beautiful girls, ages 7 and 12. I've smoked most of my 43 years. I started smoking right out of high school... because my parents and my best friend smoked. I tried to quit for my boyfriend, for my first husband... and when I got pregnant with my first daughter... but I didn't. I still feel guilty when I think that I drank and smoked all through my first pregnancy.
Then one day, I just quit. I didn't want them anymore. I had no cravings, no desire, no nothing. It was so darned easy. After my second daughter was born, we got stationed in the Middle East at an American Embassy.... Everybody drank and smoked. So, I did, too. My husband and my daughters constantly asked me to quit and I would get so aggravated at them.
So, I've added it all up and I've been smoking for a total of 26 years. I really want to quit again (for good) and I've tried several times... it's just not easy this time. I won't go eat at a restaurant that has no smoking. I don't like to go to friends houses that don't smoke. I've noticed myself not taking a puff when I'm in my car and I'm stopped next to someone. I know how it looks. I know how bad my house, my clothes, my car and everything else smells from all the smoke. I'm tired of taking a shower and smelling the smoke on my body as soon the water hits me. My health is suffering from it. I'm short of breath and I cough a lot.
I have 11 packs of cigarettes left and I want that to be it. I don't want to look to my husband or kids for support because for some reason I feel like they are just patronizing me.
I just saw a commercial on The Weather Channel for so here I am. I believe people, places and things occur and come into our lives for a reason. I want to believe this is why I saw that commercial. I want to quit.... (she says as she takes another draw) ....
I hope this helps.
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6 Replies

It was the same for me, I saw the commercial and decided to quit that weekend......... 3 weeks for me today...... this site had kept me strong and helped me get through the days when I didn't think I could...

11 packs left, that's a lot of yucky smelly cigarettes to smoke just to stop.........
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Hello Margaret,

Stay positive and I would be glad to help support your smoke free journey. I have a multi-year quit and might be able to help. You can find me at some at these groups ...

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
For a Free Quit Keeper -

YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
5.4 Million die due to smoking related causes every year.
That's 2000 times a 9/11

Ray Steele
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Some of your story sounds like mine. I was quit for over ten years. I started up again (stupid), then had a HECK of a time quitting and began to center parts of my life (friends, activities, decisions, etc. ) around smoking! How ridiculous is that?????? I am back on track now. Used the EX program here (triggers, separating from then, quit date, support) and I used Nicorette gum for the first week to help with physical withdrawals. I think the most helpful to me this quit- was separating from triggers. When I didn't smoke in my car for the second week of this program, I knew that I could do this for real. You can too!
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You sound just like me. I wouldn't go out anywhere that I couldn't smoke! Or if I was the only smoker because I didn't want to be alone in my shame of smoking! And about the smell, just wait until you do quit! You won't believe how much worse it smells when you can actually smell again. I was afraid to go placed because of the way I smelled. I didn't want to get too close to anyone in conversations because of the smell of my breath. I drink a lot of coffee as well. I think the two together has got to be the worst smelling kind of breath in the world!
And would freak out if I realized that I left home with out my smokes! I could have 2 cartons at home. But if it would be faster to get more by just stopping at the closest gas station, I'd do that before driving all the way home. And it was a complete nightmare if I had cigarettes but no lighter!!!

I'm so glad to be free of that today!
20 days now and 1,225 cigarettes less
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Thank you all for your words of support. I honestly don't know what to say. All I know is I want to quit and I have to start somewhere... so here I am. I haven't quit, yet.... but I believe I'm on my way....

Love to All

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Hi Maggie,

I am a carbon copy.....44, quit once, smoking again full time. Not anymore. I've just had it. The easiest way I can explain how I was able to quit the first time is this...your desire to not smoke MUST outweigh your cravings. Simple as that. I will not smoke another cigarette for the rest of my life. No more "I can smoke a couple" or "I can just smoke at work" or "I can just smoke at home" (hiding like a criminal from my kids) or "I can just smoke a couple a day and it won't be that bad for me". If there is a rationalization, I've made it. I am not going into this saying I am TRYING to quit. Boy, could I rationalize THAT one! I did quit period. I will not smoke another cigarette for the rest of my life. I can't bum a few puffs from a friend, can't light one up at a wedding this summer when I'm feeling free and easy (and a bit tipsy), can't smoke on that yearly trip to Vegas etc....I will not smoke another cigarette for the rest of my life. If you need a partner in misery let me know. It is time Maggie, but I think you know that already.
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