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Give and get support around quitting


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Hi my name is Adrienne. I live in upstate NY. I am mommy to 1 five year old girl. I quit smoking Feb 28 2009. Today is day 15 smoke free for myself as well as my hubby. I am excited and motivated. Smoking is the exact opposite of who I am, and it has dictated enough of my life. I am taking back my power and my control from addiction one day at a time. I am 15 days strong!

I watched my dad live a sick life from 35 years old until he died just shy of his 53 birthday. When he died I had been smoke free for 30 days. That was the longest I had ever been smoke free. I broke soon after he died. I have tried many times to quit again but have never made it past day 11 until now!

I refuse to live the way my father did and have many reasons to fight & win this battle against my own addiction and nicotine. I am grateful to have so many others for support.
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