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Give and get support around quitting


I am new -- Cess101 Standing By


I am new to Become An Ex but not new to quitting. I quit on Oct. 12, 2006 and wish to be of support to other quitters. I came here from Try To Stop and also hope to see a few of my TTS'er friends come aboard soon to meet up with me. In the meantime, I look forward to browsing around. Where do I start? Any suggestions?
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29 Replies

just completed day 3, and am feeling so much better its insane! i still get urges, but they are not as bad as the first and second u still get urges? and how often if you do? is there a point down the road where u just completely stop thinking about them? thanks for helpin us out, we f'in need it!
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I would suggest you check out the Ex program attached to this site. People are signing up here in the thousands from the effective t.v. marketing for "re-learning" life without cigarettes. Although there are many people here quitting in all kinds of ways- the vast majority are signing up due to the advertising of the free Ex plan. I think it is important that you at least know what it is. Welcome!!!!
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I would suggest you check out the Ex program attached to this site. People are signing up here in the thousands from the effective t.v. marketing for "re-learning" life without cigarettes. Although there are many people here quitting in all kinds of ways- the vast majority are signing up due to the advertising of the free Ex plan. I think it is important that you at least know what it is. Welcome!!!!
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Hey Mark, Thank you for your welcome and "Congratulations" on your first 3 days (well, 5 by now)! It's a weird feeling at first, sort of exhilarating like disbelief that you've met the challenge. I remember having a lot of different days. Some were overwhelming; others seemed like a piece of cake. All I can say is to take it all in stride, one day at a time, good with the bad.

Quitting is a long process so set several mile markers, both short-term and long-term, and don't forget to celebrate when you reach them in some small ways. On bad days or moments, no matter what it may be, post here. Write about it or ask a friend or relative to lend an ear. At the TTS forum, we used the saying: "Post Before You Puff" and over time, sayings like that become a mindset. Pretty soon it'll become almost second nature or instant reflex for you to do so instead of smoking.

I remember 4 months was a major mile marker for me because that was THE longest I made it. So keep those dates in mine, write them on your calendars and even have them pop up on your computer screen if you are so talented at doing those sorts of techno things. It helps to make smoking cessation A PRIORITY in your daily life. I used to read this little poem each morning, even before getting up out of bed FIRST THING. It goes like this:

May you open your eyes and your heart
To the beauty that lies around you,
To the strength that lies within you,
and to all that lies before you.....
One Day At A Time.

That kind of explains the framework of my makes you feel brand new. Sometimes you are happy about that and other times not. It's just an option you have to make every day. There will always be triggers lurking but with practice and time, they do become less frequent.

I do still, occasionally, think of smoking. I don't because I know now how hard it was to quit (remembering those first few months) and how much work it was for me. And I now realize how powerful the addiction is and how easily it is to become addicted to nicotine. NOPE = Not One Puff Ever. That's another acronym phrase I learned at TTS which helped me keep focused. I understand why I smoked. I weighed out the pros and cons, and quit. That is step one! and setting the Quit Date, of course.

The second step takes a little while longer because it involves dealing with "triggers"which can pop up at any given time and could be emotional triggers (you're angry or upset and want a sickerette to wind down oryour tired and need a boost), situational or social (you're with another smoker & they ask if you would like a cigarette), or physical (withdrawal symptoms which usually don't last more than 7 days or so (if you quit cold turkey and drink lots of water to flush out your system). I remember finding myself reaching or looking for a cigarette months after quitting because it is so subconsciously engrained. Then I would step back and grin from ear to ear probably when the thought, "I quit," dawned on me.

Here's to climbing mountains! You can do it.

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Hi Cindy and Thank you for the warm welcome too. I love the picture. Is that a sunrise or a sunset. It's gorgeous! as historyteach says, "IMAGINE!"

Keep in touch!


PS I saw the ad on TV too but really got interested when several of the members from the Try To Stop program (out of MA) mentioned that they were registering here to keep in touch (the bulletin boards there are closing....). BTW, where are you other TTS'ers?
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Hi Debbie and "Congratulations!" on your 1 month mile marker. As I stated to Mark (above), 4 months was my most important mile marker during this particular quit. The upcoming 2 years simply astounds me (LOL)! Take care and celebrate! (I'd send a cake & candles if there were icons).

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Hey Cess Bobbi here. Been along time. Glad I saw your email to let me know about TTS, I have been so busy haven't been on the site forever. why is it closing down? Please keep in contact.
Hugs, prayers,
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Hiya, Cess!!! Thought you'd like that smilie!!! 🙂

Anyway, I'm checking out this site.

Bobbi, I saw you over at TTS, too.

Good advice you gave, Cess! As usual! 🙂

See ya around. I'm going to check out the place. I've never been here before. But, I'll be looking for ya! 😉
(There's no smilies here. 😞 )

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WOW--Thanks historyteach. Is today any better for you? V for Victory!
I see hammer is around here too.
Hmm, just have to hunt around to find everyone.......

Mark, Debbie,'s everybody doing?

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