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Give and get support around quitting

Help me quit!

I have slowly reduced my habit to about 8 cigarettes per day. This website (especially the intro videos) have been extremely helpful, but i was interested in any tips yall can offer. 

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19 Replies

Hi.... My name is Jenna and I'm new on here... and even though I'm 23, I'm computer illiterate.... Smoking consumes my life so much that I'm smoking now as I type. I'm not sure where to begin on this site. If you can help me, please send me a message or something... My email is if that will help...       Thanks.

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Hi.... My name is Jenna and I'm new on here... and even though I'm 23, I'm computer illiterate.... Smoking consumes my life so much that I'm smoking now as I type. I'm not sure where to begin on this site. If you can help me, please send me a message or something... My email is if that will help...       Thanks.

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es, my tip is to get on the blogs

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Anyone can help you do anything, but only you can control what that help can do for you.  So what you must do is promise yourself, commit to yourself, that you will not smoke today.  There is a thing on one of the pledge boards called the Self-Empowerment Pledge.  Go out there and print it off then live it every day.  You can make promises to everyone in the world and will probably break those promises.  It's the promises to ourselves that we tend to hold sacred.  If you stumble, it's not failure, it's a setback.  Don't let the old mindset that one cigarette is going to finish your life.  It won't.  A setback is NOT a failure.  Convince yourself of that, but don't use it as an excuse to slip.  When I would have the cravings, I would get out here on the blogs and read what has worked for other people.  Out of that, I could always get ONE thing that would help me in my quit.  When you have a craving, sing a song instead.  Even if it's just in your head.  Pick up a book and read a couple of chapters.  You can do it because YOU want to.  And just for the record, I started putting that extra $50 a week into savings just to prove to myself how quickly that adds up.  I quit on 8/25/10.  This weekend I will put in another $50 for a grand total of NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS!  And that's only one quarter of a year.  Imagine how much I will have in the bank when that year is up!  And this can also be YOUR realitiy!  If no other motivator than money, then it's a big one...

Good luck and God bless!

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I love all the things Carolyn has to say (congrats on your quit date, Carolyn!)...Imagine your mission to quit smoking as the opening of a door to your new life.  If you 'decide' to launch a business, for example, your decision needs to be followed up by work.  The same holds true for 'deciding' to free your self of cigarettes and create a smoke-free life.  Reading the blogs, listening to what everybody has to say, and gathering information is important; and it's only the beginning.  You may encounter tools or advice that don't apply to you - let it go and find something that does.  Then, when you find something that can help you, implement it into your life. 

It is perfectly natural to be obsessed with smoking - it's taking up a significant portion of your life and dominated your every emotion since you picked up the nasty habit!  Why not turn that obsession into educting yourself and other smokers...Not just on the negative affects it has on your health - but how it controls you on a daily basis and manages to ALWAYS keep you from the person you want to be.   

Take your cravings one at a time to dissect and question - asking yourself, "What do I get out of this?"  "What feelings am I escaping, and why am I so afraid to face them?"

Your answers could be simple or they could be deeply rooted in your emotional development.  Keep support close.  If you need a non-judgemental understanding ear, myself and hundreds of other recovering smokers are only a phone call away. 

Good luck to you!  You can choose not to smoke 1 minute at a time; and you can choose to seek out methods to engage in smoking behavior modification exercises to help you quit smoking for ever. 

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Well good news..when i woke up today i put off that first cigarette an hour. What a small accomplishment! (i think). Baby steps.

Seriously, how can cigarettes be legal? I would never want the next generation to become addicted to cigarettes like i did when i turned 18. I think if, in high school, i were to watch a few videos of cancer-ridden patients' testimonies, it would be as effective as all these teen pregnancy shows on mtv are with abstinence. Once you see the consequences, it would outweigh the glamor.

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HI!!  My name is is Missy and Jan 1 is my quit date...I am 39 (40 in 2 weeks) and I am starting to feel the results of smoking for over 20's not fun!! Plus  I have a new grandbaby on the way and I DO NOT want him exposed to the smoke.  I smoked while I was pregnant and daughter had bronchitis and I believe the smoking caused it.  I do not want my grand baby to go through that.  Plus my daughter told me that if I did she would 🙂  Wish me LUCK!!

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Hi my name is Donna and 1-1-11 is my quit date.  I am 51 years old and have smoked for 40 years. I have tried to quit many times.  This will be the first time I'm doing it with both support and the patch.  My husband smokes so I know this will be rough at times. I'm going to take it oneday at a time.  I have a great support system with my children but I know I will need more. So I hope to make friends here and get and give support.  I am here for anyone who needs to talk.  I wish us all luck.

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Hi Donna  my name is Pam.My quit date is 1-1-11 also.I have smoked for 37 years and I have tried to quit so many times.My husband smokes too and refuses to smoke outside.So good luck to both of us!I know we can do it

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