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Give and get support around quitting


Hello out there!

Day 3 here.  How bad is it?  Well, since I've been chomping on this nicotine gum on the hour religiously for the past 3 days, it hasn't been that bad.  However, I may never chew mint gum again after this.  Or at least not peppery-mint.  YUM!  I've found that I like the gum personally because it gives my mouth something to do other than drag on the arch-nemesis.

Moments of weakness do come over me, but thankfully no one is smoking in front of me and so far I've been able to overcome and just keep on chomping, and parking, and chomping, and...

I've even decided to go on a diet while quitting smoking.  Is this too much to handle?  Anyone tried it?  So far so good, and I figure while I'm denying myself the cigarettes, why not go all-out on the misery spectrum and throw out the potato chips and pizza, too?  Since weight gain is an often cited reason for people (especially us ladies) to not quit smoking, I figured I'd tackle that issue head on and start stuffing down the whole-grains, veggies, and lentils.  Take THAT, body!

I'm confident and determined!  I know I can do this!  What do I want more than anything right now?  Who am I kidding?  A big slice of chocolate cake and a cigarette (heck, gimme two!) to follow.  But I'm saying NO!  I'm gonna keep chewing this pepper-gum and not only doing something great for my body but also refraining from turning into fattycakes!  At least, that's the plan... hopefully I haven't bitten off more than I can chew.

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2 Replies

YAY for being confident and determinded!!!!

Keep some small carrots in your fridge - and munch on those when you have cravings. That might help!!! Also gum kills caleries because you are using muscles to chew and I'm sure that has to do something....

and I personally don't think you are trying to take on too much! Being healthy isn't hurting anything!!!

Keep up the upbeat attitude! I enjoy reading it! 🙂 🙂

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Ya got 4 days in now WTG. The worst is over. Keep that attitude.

Do not light one up, stay away from them. Give it some time it gets easier. One day at a time. Hang on.... 

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