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Give and get support around quitting


Hello to all the fellow about-to-quiters!

Hi all! I am trying to quit and have been for some time. Last year I quit 4 or 5 times. I smoke a pack a day and my husband smokes 2 packs. We both want to quit.

I have not set my date yet but I will shortly.


Good luck to everyone!

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6 Replies

I haven't quit yet either but am working on setting a quit date. I smoke about a pack and a half a day. I am so sick of smoking but am so scared to quit.

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hi everyone

my quit date is feb 4 i will be using the patch, i usse it before but not for the 10 weeks as directed. im so tired of this monkey on my back im determine to quit this time, any suggestions from anyone     linda

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I am really excited about this plan, every time I light up, I think, how nasty it is and what its doing to me, and how expensive it is, I hope to talk to alot of you, so we can support eachother and get through this together!

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I have tried to quit so many times.  I get angry when I light up, when I spend money on them, when I start coughing....   There are so many things that make me want to quit and I just haven't been able to do it!!!!    I heard about this website on the radio so I figured I might as well check this out.    WISH ME LUCK>>>>   I NEED IT!!!!

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I have tried to quit so many times, but started back up.  Life can be stressful and each time I started again I blamed it on current circumstances or whatever else was bothering me.  I just turned 50 and I still have one more child (13) to raise.  I want to be around for her and my future grandchildren.  I stopped smoking in the house which decreased my habit; however, I seem to make up for the lost time by going outdoors to hang out so I can smoke.  I even light up when I take my dog for a walk.  It's hard trying to quit smoking around others who have no clue what an addiction is.  All I know is that I NEED to quit for ME.  By quitting for ME, I will feel better and be around for a long time with the people I love. 

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I created a detailed list of reasons to quit and look at it with each craving, the key is it has to be detailed reasons for you, example

I want to save money- while this may be true, try to elaborate on this by saying as in my case, I am paying my bills late and using credit cards to pay for smokes. I plan my finances around how many cigarettes I need rather than paying bills, buying food,doing social things etc

Socializing-while in meetings at work I often try to surpress my smokers cough which ends up blurting out anyway. This makes me feel inadequate to my coworkers. Is my boss noticing how many smoke breaks I take? Do you try to sit away from people because of the cigarette stench etc.

Health- I am using more and more pillows to prop my head up to sleep to stop the rattling of phlegm in my chest and now waking up with neck pain. After further research this phlegm is probably early onset of bronchial COPD which will eventually lead to emphasema which my mother had and was painful to watch her suffer with.

I found this worked for me since the vague general reasons werent tailored to my lifestyle. I searched the net until I found things that I thought would help me once I committed to quit and cling on to them like a life vest.

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