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I did not get enough sleep last night. When I woke up this morning the cravings were frequent and got really strong. I ended up smoking. Since then I destroyed all the cigs, three away lighter, and got back on lozenges. 

It it seems to me that when the cravings get really intense, I can't tell myself no. I need to work on staying out of triggering situations. I will work on sleep hygiene to get to bed earlier. I also think I need to use the lozenges earlier instead of waiting several hours after I wake up to start using them. 

I get get really thrown off when my routine changes. Not having my computer messed me up and now having a new job with earlier work hours is messing me up. I am still working out my morning routine.

Something else I will do is go back to the gym. I need to exercise regularly to feel right mentally. Depression is a huge trigger, so I need to work not to be depressed. 

Grateful to get right back on the lozenges instead of continuing to smoke. 


Step back when this happens.

Ask yourself if the cravings are physical or mental.

You need to get involved to figure out which it is to dissemble it and move on.


Thank you very much


Just keep trying Stan!  Don't wait too long before it's too late.  Your life and depression will get so much better once you quit smoking!


You can do this, you will not believe how much stronger you are going to feel and how much you are going to discover about yourself!


You are in Control, not the intense cravings, triggering situations, a new job, routine changes, or thoughts and imaginations.... You are in this for your Health and Breathing, Life, Family, Loved Ones.  This is Your, Health, Your Life, Your Decision, Your Choice. Please choose health and life.  It's Doable.  You can do this.  Your are strong.  You are in charge of everything you think and choose and do.  Ultimately, You are also Responsible for each of these.  You can get great education and support here, but you have to do it yourself.  You owe it to yourself to be in charge.  Best of everything to you and your decision-making.  Make the Right Life Decision!


You can do this quit, one day at a time or one minute or even one second at a time as long as you keep moving forward and stacking up your precious smoke free days then you will be successful! 


   I think you should pop a lozenge in your mouth first thing in the morning don't wait until the craving get stronger  because then the nicotine level has dropped very low and it takes the lozenges time to catch up . I never could keep the lozenges in my mouth for  very long so I carried a little plastic med box and took it out and back in as needed . I also used the patch which relieved  the cravings much more then the lozenges because the level of nicotine doesn't go up and down .

   Exercise is a great idea. In my case it was an absolute necessity to beat the depression and it works. It is also  a great stress reliever plus it keeps your metabolism moving  !

   You can do it ! Never give up trying !