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Share your quitting journey


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All my life, I’ve had low self-esteem.  I’m sure that is why I struggle with addiction.   I came here last June to ask for help, and I failed.  I tried again in October and failed again.  The elders tried to help me, but I was weak and I gave into temptation.   No one made me cave in; I did it to myself.  I have to take responsibility for my own failure.  I’m in a really dark place right now, but I won’t give up this time no matter what.  I am very grateful to those of you who have supported me this time, and I will do my best to support you. 


Hang in there Kate! Im not sure what time it is where your at, but maybe go to bed. A new day tomorrow. Don't give in. You will be on day 3 and the nicitine will be getting out of your system. I munched on honey roasted peanuts and drank a lot of tea(green) and juice. Please don't give in. You can do this! Hugs!


O. I would alsao watch videos of people dying of cancer and copd. (morbid,huh.) but it helped. and READ.


Hi!!!  We have the same quit date I think!  Today (the 18th) will be day 3 smoke free for me!  You CAN do this!  Remember to allow the cravings/urges to come...but then let them leave...they WILL leave!!  Occupy yourself with something else to do...have a healthy snack, I find crunchy works a few jumping jacks...go outside and take some deep breaths of fresh air!  Do anything...but don't smoke!!  You can do this Kate!!


Thanks, cyn!  I'm crying as I read this, and I can't believe I'm feeling so low.  I hope this is as bad as it gets.  I'm going to try to sleep now.  Thank you for the lifeline!  Hugs!


Flomigrl, thank you for reaching out to me.  I'll do my best to support you when I feel stronger.  You are wonderful.



I find when I am feeling low and down and out, picking up the bible, praying, listing to some gospel music  really helps.  I don't how you feel about this but you should really give it a try.  It's amazing what can happen when you spend some one on one time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself.  Its amazing it's beautiful and you can make it with help from God.  Just ask him.  He promised ask and you will recieve.  Now it's not gonna magically make you quit smoking ( I wish it were that easy) but alas its not.  But he can make the transition from smoker to quitter ever so much easier.  Plus with the support from the awesome group of people who support us day in and day out and are always there to listen and lend some beautiful advice ( and yes I do mean the members of the EX community (our new found friends and family) anything is possible.  I have found that since I joined EX it's been much much easier than anyother time I have ever tried to quit.  Just remember we are all on your side and in the same boat as you.  Strength in numbers.....Keep on keepin on kate,  you will succeed because YOU said you would and we all believe in you. And most important of all GOD believes in you.  You can do it.  I promise that. 


I did it before as well, and that is why I turned back to this group 🙂 🙂  To get the HELP /ENCOURAGEMENT I Need to see /hear !    I have NOT posted it on Facebook ( yet ) that I was quitting ( again )  I failed the first time 😞   I went 6 months .   Week one hasn't been easy but one day at a time  WE CAN DO THIS.. Good luck  with this      If you need to talk, I am here 🙂


Kate, many people have to go after this crazy addiction more than once. You can do it and we will be your best cheerleaders!!


Kate, I hope you got the sleep cyn suggested. Sometimes thats all I need if I am feeling low. Everything looks better when we get some rest. You can do this!


It seems there is always someone on here for a panic situation, but do you have someone you can call when you are feeling like this?

It might be nice to choose one of your good friends to be your lifelife in a weak moment.

You can do this! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Stay strong, Kate. Sometimes, when I feel my worst, a quick walk to clear my head works best. And other times an old, washed-too-many-times blanket and some Vick's vapo-rub is the answer. Smells like childhood sick days to me, and never fails to provide some comfort. 


Dearest Kate...xo


 Stay close to the site, Kate!  We've all been where you are right now, you can be where we are not, just keep moving forward!  Keep coming here to blog, it makes a difference.