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Share your quitting journey


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Hi just wanted to stop in and say hello and touch base with all my good friends and fellow ex's.

I am on 40 days smoke free.  I did have 41 but I slipped yesterday.  My trigger is anger so I guess I need to learn how to not smoke when I am angry ( maybe throw darts at my opposing political party LOL).  I have decided I am keeping my 40 days because I worked long and hard to keep them and I am proud of them.  Yesterday was like a bad day and I am gonna just shake and erase it off my etch a sketch.  LOL.  I have been very busy but I will be back on soon.  I need to be here and I enjoy helping others.  May you all stay strong and thank you for being such wonderful people.  This is like my home away from home.  Today has been wonderful with no cravings or need though I am ashamed of yesterday.   I am a nicotine addict and I know that now but I will fight to keep my quit because I want it so bad.   see ya soon.  Love to all, Brenda


I don't mean to be all contrary, but that isn't right. I worked just as hard on my 24 day quit, and many others worked just as hard on even longer quits than either of us had, but if we smoke a cigarette it is back to DAY 1. Not as a punishment, but because this is an addiction and when we smoke (even one time) we're feeding our bodies the drug and indulging our addictive brains. I'd like to erase yesterday, too, but that CAN'T happen unless I want to make the same mistake AGAIN. I will remember how quickly I lost my HARD EARNED 24 DAYS so that I will keep up my guard.


Well I guess I am back to day one.


I have to agree with Jordon, smoking is smoking no matter what and it counts in the addiction.  If you want to keep the 40 days no one can stop you but as I see it you are on day one.  This is just MY opinion.


Brenda... everything we've learned this past month (including what we learned from making the wrong choice yesterday) can only help us to be prepared and have even stronger quits. Lets make this our LAST DAY 1. 


Don't despair Brenda, it's okay to start over, the point is that you are starting again and not giving up! Today is my day 1.


My clock has been reset.  You guys are right.  Congrats to you catsmeow and thanks


And whenever a craving hits....remind yourself.....over and over.....


Not One Puff Ever

Simple as that.


Brenda look how many times i started over i was the world worst but that is up to you.


Today's the first day of the rest of my smoke free life