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Day 3 of quitting and I am really craving a cigarette!!

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Ahhhh I didn't think today would be that bad since I have been using the patch for three days, but I was wrong!! I've heard that day 3 is the worst day, but didn't think it would be this hard!!!! I think it may be because I went to have some  drinks with friends last night and all I have been thinking about since then is a cigarette :/. I made myself leave early after two drinks because I knew I wouldn't be able to drink anymore without my cravings going threw the roof!!!! I REALLY want to QUIT and what helped is my roommates have told alot of my friends that I am quitting, so there is no going back haha. I'm going to go for a walk in a little bit, but is there anything else I can do to deal with the cravings today??? And will it be better tomorrow???


deep breathing,  hot bath with candles, soft misic. long walks. lots of water, blog cook. read, just do not smoke. tell your it is ok to want a smoke. sorry I do not do that any more. I am a non smoker. I am calm and relaxed. everything is just how it should be. Nothing but good air is coming in and death and dease is leaving me now. I am free.


If the above dose not work cry throw somthing not at any one. punch a pillow say say F&*% you realy loud 5 time very fast Then end with I do not smoke


GREAT JOB recognizing the danger you were in last night and separating yourself. Alcohol is one of the biggest issues for the first month.

As for the rest, I wish I had an easy answer or a hard-and-fast roadmap for you, but I don't. It will get better every day, but it will also be up and down for awhile. Stay focused on the big picture and ride through the "downs", and you'll find FREEDOM on the other side!

My best advice for you is -- read, read, read. The better you understand this addiction and the mind games that go along with it, the better equipped you will be to defeat it!  Here are the two resources most of our members have found absolutely vital to quitting:

Stay strong, we're here for you!


LOL.  I like the second suggestion you made Lillian. I like it a LOT!!  


I would sure love to do what Lillian said to some of my co-workers today.......VERY tempting!!!LOL

Hey CAN do this, just don't have a panic attack over it.  Take one second, one minute, one hour at a time....don't worry about this evening or tonight or even tomorrow.  Focus on right now.  Your are battling with that sneaky nicodemon (nicotine) and he will try ANYTHING to get you to aren't going to let a cigarette control you, are you????   Stay determined and drink water, read, take deep breathes and smell your fresh hair and clothes that used to smell like a nasty ashtray.....this is a committment to yourself when you quit....DON't let yourself down!!!!!!!!



Thanks for the advice!!!! There are def times where I feel like crying and throwing things haha, but I'm really trying to keep calm. And Cindy you hit the nail on the head, I think I'm over dramatizing the whole quitting process and there really is no need to freak out or have a panic attack. I'm slowly learning this lesson. So far I'm doing well, went on a brisk walk and that seemed to help. Night time is the worst part of the day for me, I'm learning to brace myself for the cravings that come along with it. Thanks again for all of your encouragment and advice!! I really appreciate it! 


Congratulations on day 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Take one day at a time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on 3 days! Congrats also on knowing when to stop drinking! It will probably be a good idea to not drink for a while.....I've seen many people here say that. (I no longer drink.) The most important thing - it will get better! It really will!

I think all the advice above is good and helpful, I find that eating sunflower seeds really helps me and and adding as much physical activity as you can is a plus too. Like they say just let each days success build on the next, you did it yesteday and you will do it today, it does get easier. it really does. N.O.P.E.


ood job protecting your quit!! WIT (whatever it takes) Congrats on day 3.   Stay strong! day 20 seems to be tricky for some also. Just saying. After that is much better. hang in there~


Im with ya on that one,it's my third day to. I just can't do this smoking thing anymore.

