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Share your quitting journey

Day 2

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I made it through the day yesterday not smoking. My patch fell off but I made a commitment not to smoke. I bought some paper tape. 

I started feeling triggered today. I was talking to a client about nicotine replacement and suddenly realized I wanted to smoke.  I asked God to give me another day smoke-free and to remove my desire to smoke. I'm checking in here.

I think I might be triggered because my coworkers smoke and I feel left out or miss taking smoke breaks as part of my work routine. 


You recognize a trigger now - so make a plan for it!  Perhaps you can take a quick walk, arms a-swinging, away from the smokers.  You can still take a break - but a healthy one, instead.  Maybe sit outside and call a friend?  Or maybe make some phone calls on your to-do list?  Or take a crossword someplace quiet for a few minutes?

Congratulations on Day Won!


Nice!  Keep it going  I did quick walks when I got the triggers too and I would write it down, when, how and why I got them.  I would look back on it the next day and prepare myself with a response that works.. Experiment with what works and when, but just don't smoke and you will reap the benefits that come with overcoming a challenge!



You are doing this, remember, it is one day at a time and sometimes that is too long, every time you get through something without smoking is a victory for you.  Don't feel shy about talking about it...even with those smoking co-workers.  I talked about it all the time...I was surprised by how supportive many people were and some of them were smokers.


DAY 2 is great, really, really good. You know it's going to be hard around other smokers and old habits so try to accept that truth and stay away for a while. Never wish you were back there with them, have fun and catch up on the news at the water fountain.. or such like that. DAY 2 is an awesome accomplishment. Yippee-4-U 🙂


Good job!!!

 Day two for me was both hard and wonderful. Hard for obvious reasons but wonderful because I had a full day behind me and had proved to myself that I could do it. Each day of success is another day closer to freedom and another milestone to be celebrated. 

 My coworkers smoked as well when I quit. I decided that I'd have to get used to others smoking around me if I was going to make it, and I did make it. You're doing great! Recognizing the crave and dealing with it. Remember, you're not losing a thing and gaining everything! It's just a little hard to see right now . . .




Congrats on 2 days!


and today makes 3 days! Congratulations!