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My struggle is I don’t have much motivation or energy. I am having a problem sleeping , i keep waking up all night. Hopefully this passes soon


What you describe are common nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and they WILL pass.  Since everybody is different, I can't tell you exactly when, but I promise it will get better and easier as you get more time under your belt.  Here is a blog with some common early quit discomforts:

This is a time to be kind to yourself.  Nap if you can.  Go for  walk outside if you can.  If you can't sleep, try counting backwards from 10,000, or thinking of girls', boys' cities/states, vegetables, furniture for each letter of the alphabet.  Don't stay in bed awake longer than about 30 minutes.  Read, do a crossword - but no screens!

This phase will end!  Hang in there until it does!





@Dushi   Congratulations on 9 days and making it through hell week + 2 days!!  Take a moment to take that in, YAY for you.  Sorry for the lack of sleep and I noticed my sleep patterns were upset for a time, at the beginning of my quit.   Our body got used to the dopamine hit and not caving to that addiction and allowing our bodies to heal, means some of the side effects can be physical.  Hang in there and don't smoke, cos nicotine is not the answer.  One puff always, everytime, leads to another for the addict.  HOLD and distract, delay.  You are doing so well, so when a crave comes, USE those tools.  Come here and journal...complain, whine.  Remember this, you don't have to go through hell week ever again.  That is over with.  Be patient and let your body heal form all the harmful toxins you used to force in it.  I wrote alot and watched awful smoking videos on in the beginning.  I walked alot, I took fancy baths.....anything but feed the monster.  This will get easier, the further away you get from nicotine.  

I came here to be inspired this morning and want to thank you for sharing your battle.  You are not alone.


Dear @Dushi congratulations on being here and hanging in there! You are doing great!  I'm not going to tell you how long I spent in that very uncomfortable state of mind because our experiences are all the same and all different at the same time. Sleeping was absolutely an issue for me along with motivation & energy. It felt frustrating during those early weeks because I was doing such a momentous thing and not sleeping was making my resolve weaker. What I do want to say about my experience is it really sucked, I hung on, often bare-knuckled, and today at 121 days it's so much easier and SOOOOOO worth it. Writing here helped me so much and I expect you will get much support in the next few hours. Be kind to yourself you are doing a great thing and you can do this 


@Dushi Glad you checked in.   Staying close to the site early in your quit is a great quit tool.   This is all a part of your body healing so it's worth the temporary side effects from quitting.  It will get better and you'll be so happy that you made this decision for your future. Know that you're not alone!


So proud of you.  Congrats on this major achievement of 9 days quit.  Stay busy and stay close.




CONGRATULATIONS on 9 days.  Read, read, read.  This is what got me through, along with mints, water & deep breathing.  Hang on you're doing great


Its really hard for me as well !!

Trying to get it done !! Hang in their


@Dushi wrote:

My struggle is I don’t have much motivation or energy. I am having a problem sleeping , i keep waking up all night. Hopefully this passes soon



I experienced not being able to sleep and I am a good sleeper. It seems like it was for a couple of weeks. I was not motivated either.  I did not want to quit but I wanted to live.  You are doing really well.  I promise it will get better pretty soon.  Take really good care of yourself.  Taking short walks also helped me.  Congratulations on quitting smoking.  You are doing this.


Congratulations--you are doing it, you are getting free!!!  Well done.  I know it is rough early on but things will get better and you will be so happy that you beat this thing.  You CAN be free!!  Best wishes to you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on day 9 @Dushi! It will get better. Keep up the great work!

Quiana, EX Team


Its hard for me any suggestions?