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SO I have quite a dilemma going on with my health, it's related to my osteoporosis and the need for surgery in places.

My right side has been compromised for >4 years now and getting worse. The cause for my persistent numbness eluded my providers. But now, I think it's related to the severe spinal stenosis in my lumbar spine. I need 2 fusions to correct the problem, but my **bleep** density is not great. So now I need to go back on Tymlos daily injections to build up more **bleep** so I don't have complications down the road.

On top of this, I have a torn labrum in my R hip and other issues, but no arthritis. I saw an orthopedic surgeon who recommended a total hip replacement. Having no arthritis in my hip, I feel it's a heavy handed approach- there are no ortho surgeons locally that do arthroscopic hip procedures. So I'm in the process now of getting approval for the Tymlos, and a consult with a surgeon that will do arthroscopic labral cartilage repair. 

We were planning to move back to Colorado this year- but with my need for spinal surgery,  I'm having my doubts..since my spouse needs hip surgery as well...Thanks for reading! This 

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