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Give and get support around quitting


new here, started chantix...

30 year old pack-a-day smoker for 13 years now. Have tried quitting a few times before, with nicorette. Quit for about 6 months when I was pregnant but never stopped obsessing over it and driving myself nuts. Started right back up the second I left hospital. Started Chantix 5 days ago, smoking the same amount so far. Just upped the doseage so hoping to unknowingly smoke less and less. Wishful thinking eh?

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2 Replies

I tried Chantix a while back. I was one of those who did not respond well to it at all, so I stopped taking it. I hope that it works for you...anything to stop the smoking.

Going Cold Turkey right now, about 49ish hours in, so far so good.

This is the best move that you could possibly make for yourself. Try to really educate yourself about why you have had such a hard time stopping and what you are actually doing to yourself with every drag. I found that once I did that, it became MUCH easier to walk away from them. Try going to is an awesome resource.

Good luck

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Cold turkey! Good for you! I've never been able to attempt that, I'd be a monster lol. Good luck

Thanks, so far no crazy side effects, I'm usually pretty sensitive to medications though, but always have a full stomach before taking it (lunch & dinner)

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