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Give and get support around quitting


Beginning the process...

Hey everyone, my name is Michelle, I just joined this site today and I have not yet quit smoking. As you all know, it's an EXTREMELY hard habit to quit. I smoke about a pack a day, and right now I am studying for finals this week so it's super stressful. I'm just looking to meet people on here to talk to, and also to get support and advice from anyone on how to reduce my smoking. I am at home all day alone, so I don't have anyone to tell me no- I know that sounds pathetic and weak of me, but it's so damn hard to stop by myself! I have my fiance for support but he's only home at night, so it's really hard to go throughout my day and not light one up. Any advice or just someone to talk to would be fantastic! Thanks!!!

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1 Reply

I feel you babe. Finals are also a stressful time for me! I'm trying to go cold turkey, but I know as soon as I wake up the next day I'm gonna look for my pack or go buy a new one.
Its so difficult because my boyfriend isn't as supportive, but he will do anything for me to stop! But I know we can do it. scared me half to death, I would suggest for you to go on there aswell if you haven't already!
Best of luck to you hun, you can message me anytime you need someone to talk to!!!!

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