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Zyban - if you already quit

I quit smoking 5 days ago and was thinking of using Zyban (Wellbutrin) to help me through the next few weeks.  I know you are supposed to start it before you quit, but wondered if anyone knows if it might help me now?

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4 Replies

My understanding of Zyban is that you start 2 weeks prior to your quit date and continue taking it for two months or so.  I don't have personal experience with it. 

I did use Chantix while I was in grad school.  I will say that I found Chantix to be amazingly effective.  Cravings were greatly reduced and, during the few times I did smoke, I didn't really get any of the desired affects from it pretty much made smoking pointless.  For me, the only downside was that after about 10 minutes after taking a pill, I would feel like I had a fever and would become slightly nauseated for a few minutes. 

Be sure to discuss any medication in-depth with your doctor, though.  I believe (could be wrong, though) that both Zyban and Chantix have received black box warnings from the FDA since their initial approvals. 

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I was on Wellbutrin once.  It didn't do much for me.  It's a mild anti-depressant, and since I always got depressed when I quit smoking I thought it would help.  Not so much.  I stopped taking it because I suspected it was making me hyperactive and nervous.  I felt a lot calmer after I stopped Wellbutrin.

Although - Wellbutrin enabled me to take Chantix, which did help a great deal with my smoking.  I started smoking again several months later (when I'd stopped taking Chantix).  I tried taking Chantix again after I stopped the Wellbutrin, and the Chantix made me weepy and sad and kind of crazy. 🙂

This time I just stopped.  Today's Day 11 and so far so good.

Hope today is Day Seven for you. 🙂

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I try to take wellbutrin and after five days it made me feel sickly couldn't continue with

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Wellbutrin helped me quit for 12 years! but you need to build up to a high dosage for the effects of not even wanting to smoke! Try it, can't hurt and hope you have great luck with it!!!!

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