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Work It !!!!

No I am not going to smoke. I have a choice.  For me SINAO.  To clear matters up I am not even on the verge of smoking but I am an addict and I know I have the choice but I no longer use smoking as an option even though it is there. SINAO was part of a mantra that I used for my self-talk. Which WORKED. I am coming up on 2 yr. quit in January and I am  fully aware that the seasons can cause/create an addict to be vulnerable.  Therefore I still have to WORK my quit at times no matter how old it is.  

It never ceases to surprise me when the thought of smoking may pop up.  At this point in my quit the thoughts of smoking are a mere glimmer that I do not allow to shine.  That glimmer reminds me that I have to protect my quit and do whatever is necessary to remain smoke free.   I am happy to have your support and proud to have friends here but as Sheri beautifully blogged, My quit is not here.  It is within me. I am committed to continue to choose freedom so SINAO 

From some responses to my blog I may have left the impression that I am struggling.  I am not "struggling".  I have never struggled in my quit because I have always been willing to do whatever it takes to WORK it  to stay smoke free.  Yes, I have agonized wondering when the desire of wanting a cigarette would end.  I endured insomnia, along with desperate thoughts of smoking but I never characterized my quit as a struggle.  I considered it as WORK.  I am, was, will be committed to do whatever it takes to be smoke free.  

Early on in my quit I had to relearn my thinking and renewal of my mind, which takes time and WORK.  You struggle when you want things to happen before it is time.  The road is not always easy but it is easier if you take it one day or even one moment at a time.  When I first came to EX I was here almost every day reading studying and learning.  I don’t blog as much because there are new voices to be heard.  I do want to be able to help when needed and share my thoughts and experience.   

With the help of EX and your support I am able to see my quit in a different light.   A newness of life that I will continue to WORK whenever necessary to move forward.   Even if it means calling a friend, writing a blog because I will not smoke NOPE no matter what.  My commitment is still strong, I just don’t have to WORK as hard.   However, I am aware that as an addict I have to PROTECT my quit.  I have said it many times.  The quitting part is easy, staying quit is the true WORK.   

So just for today I say Protect Your Quit, enjoy your Holidays smoke free and WORK it!  If you have questions on how, just ask.  It is yours.  Only you can protect it.  We are here to help.  Stay close hang tough, don’t give in, don’t give up.

683 DOF Thank God

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10 Replies

JACKIE1-25-15‌, you make so much sense. I am taking your words to heart. Smoking Is Not An Option.

21 Days of Freedom, and I want to keep it going.