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Why am I afraid to give up two cigarettes?

My quit date is March 23rd.  In the beginning of March my non-smoking sister suggested that I pick a time each day that I would absolutely not smoke for example driving my car.   I chose all day all night that I would not smoke.  Since March 9th I have two cigarettes in the morning and then I don’t smoke all day all night. In the 10 days that I’ve been doing this I had one slip up and smoked a ciggarette in the evening. I am using the patch. I put it on after the two cigarettes in the morning.  I am really freaking out over the thought of giving up those two cigarettes in the morning.  I am more fearful of giving those two cigarettes up then I am not smoking all day all night how crazy is that? Any suggestions?

117 Replies

I am off to some garage sales with a nonsmoking friend in the morning.  Thank you Ellen!


Not crazy at all.  You have to change your thinking.  You're thinking in terms of "giving up" those cigarettes.  Turn it into "letting go of" instead.  "Letting go" is an emotional image of an opened handed gesture.  A loving  willingness.  A chance to change and grow and discover and experiment.  "Giving up" is an emotional clenched fist perspective, a sense of neediness and hanging on and un-willingness to change and grow and discover and experiment. It's the perspective of safety in the "norm," the "usual,"  and it stems from fear.  Be brave.  Be (to yoursellf) lovingly willing.  That's where freedom lies.  You'll discover whole new worlds within yourself.  And they're beautiful ones.  Go for it!  Those two silly cigarettes are keeping you from soaring.  


Two silly demon infested cigarettes.  Ugh......“be gone nicodemon” Thank you for your reply


You picked a terrific quit day - it's my birthday.  I wish you luck and send you support.  It helps me to keep telling myself that I'm not giving anything up, I CHOOSE not to have that cigarette. Remember, you're not alone, Susan.  You CAN do this. Take control on the 23rd and Good Luck!


When people I know ask me when I quit I will say I quit on Tamjy’s birthday. LoL.  Seriously though thank you for the support !! I appreciate everyone here


Happy Birthday Tammy, hope you have a Stupendous Smoke Free Day!!!! 


Sorry, spell check changed the name to Tammy


So glad you found this site!!  You'll get loads of support and wisdom here   Listen, read, and ask questions when you don't understand something.  Quitting is very do-able.  Remember that it's a gift, not a burden.  So rather than focusing on what you can't have, focus on what you gain.  More money in the bank, better health, smelling terrific, more time to do other things....the list can go on and on  

You can!!



Thank you!