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What makes you HAPPY???

As I was driving to work the radio station I was listening to was talking about the subject what makes you happy.

They were discussing this and of course, it is meant to be funny.  Callers were steady calling in then the DJ

said you know this is a great topic because we always dwell on the bad stuff and never think about the small things

in life that really makes us happy.  I started thinking lately everything around me has been sad.  Two of my coworker

has passed away this year.  My husband was laid off from work a week before Thanksgiving and haven't received unemployment.

I have been so stressed out not thinking about the positive things in my life that makes me happy.  Having my 19-year-old son tells

me every day he loves me.  My son is very healthy and going to Community College.  Having a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.

I really enjoy my SUV that is paid in full.  I have a horse that is 19 years old, 3 cats and 2 dogs.  My husband is at home driving me crazy

in a good way I guess.  I am breathing, getting up during the week go to a job that I have worked for over 26 years. I am blessed in so many

ways.  I can't forget about me quitting smoking that is something that will make me smile every time.  So what makes you happy?? If you

began a list I'm sure being non-smoker would be in the top 10.  Life is hard, especially in today society.   I am basically writing this blog for

myself a reminder to think more about the positive and fewer negatives in my life.  I hope in some way this blog will make you smile, help you

think about something that makes you happy.



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7 Replies

Sunshine on my face, walking on a forest trail, being near water.......................

I could make a list, but I will leave some for others to add.

Great blog idea!



An all-day marathon of a favorite TV show


Shopping for new clothes


Being independent

Being relatively healthy

Having a reliable car

Money in the bank


Thanks Lonita for your blog of gratitude list. What makes ME happy... its a fleeting feeling HAPPY one second then REALITY so I choose a HAPPPY feeling in ME by reading YOUR blog Lonita because I remember you from 7 YEARS ago and I FEEL HAPPY this moment that YOUR HAPPY! keep on keeping on Lonita! 


I have so many joys.  1 of my favs is being with my animals and most animals.


When you are having craving please try to remember what makes you happy.


My daughter.  She's my greatest joy.  God made her just for me.


I tell my son all the time he is my gift from God.