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Give and get support around quitting


How to handle quitting when you live with people who smoke?

I am just needing a little support today. I am on day 4 of quitting and feel today has been the hardest day so far. I have smoked for 35 yrs and I feel particularly empty today. I really want this more than anything. I guess I just need some reassurance that I will be happy and comfortable in my own skin again. My husband and my oldest daughter smoke and are not ready to quit. I can not use them as an excuse to slip...but it makes it much harder. Thanks, Cat52

10 Replies

CONGRATS ON DAY FOUR CAT52!!! YAHOOOOOO AND TADAH YOU DID IT!!! Great job and blog too!!! Thank you for helping ME REMAIN quit with you today! MY feelings are strange today and so I came on to HELP someone. Believe it or not you helped ME to admit I need you Cat52 more than you need ME because I was you in the beginning of MY recovery from nicotine. This too shall pass these NEW or OLD feelings thoughts habits of using nicotine to feel walk talk breathe relax or angry smoke at people I used to do that feed my addiction with any mental or emotional excuse. I was taught to take three deep breathes and  to read the blogs here by those STAYING quit and to take ADVICE FROM THE PROFESSIONALS here that work with addictions like DR HAYS blogs... please know you are not alone and doing great STAYING QUIT and loving Cat52 no matter what thought or feeling or life is dealing you Cat52 you CHOSE to love Cat52 FIRST that is fantastic that you are a staying nicotine free today and IF you can I can too! One day at a time! TOGETHER in Lord Jesus name amen Please take what helps and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim! Thank you again for helping ME to REMAIN!  Gentle hug


Thanks for responding. It helps to connect with people who understand my struggle. I almost feel ridiculous that smoking is so much a part of who I am that quitting is literally making me sad. I felt reassured after reading your post, that things will get easier. Thank you- you helped me stay on track and I feel a little more confident today. 


Your are most welcome and CONGRATS on this NEW day Cat52 your staying quit one day at a time! Great job yahooooo loving Cat52! keep on keeping on 

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Congratulations on day 4.  Know that you are not alone.  There are quite a few quitters here to live with smokers just to let you know that it can be done.  Not easy but doable.  Here is a blog about if from one of the sites experts.

Also if you do a word search by the magnifying lens and type words of a topic you are interested in like "living with a smoker, you will see other blogs and comments on the subject. 

If this is your first time here.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth. The idea is to start at the beginning by making a commitment that no matter what happens or goes on in your life that you will not use it as an EXcuse to smoke.  With that philosophy you will have success on this journey. No it is not easy but it is doable by using that principle and educating yourself about nicotine addiction.   If you hang around you will see that quitting is doable, because many of us have.  Look forward a new way of life that does not include smoking.  It is all up to you and what you are willing to do to be smoke free.  Quitting smoking requires hard work and determination not to give up.   It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. 

Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction because education is the key to a successful quit.  

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101 

Here are the links:   and


Thanks for sharing the links to information I needed to hear. I found them very helpful. I appreciate your encouragement and support as well. It means a lot that you reached out. It helps to feel somebody understands and cares!!! Thank you.

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What those before me had said-I agree. I slipped 2 weeks in. I have no one to blame, but myself. It was way to easy though since it was literally a matter of asking my husband to light one up for me (as I was driving us). He hesitated, I regretted it, but quit again that night and reset my quit. I kicked myself multiple times for a good month before I got past it so hold tight to your quit. As more and more times goes on it does get easier. I also have my best friend and roommate who is a smoker, we smoked the same brand so I see a pack in the same spot every day, but I just decided I did not do that anymore, bought some breath mints and put them in the spot I used to keep my pack and if the craving hits I just grab a breath mint. Always said if I still want to smoke after it is gone I could, but the urge and craving was gone by the time the breath mint was so I never lit up. You can do this.



Thanks for replying. I think the fact that my husband and daughter both smoke scares me because that it will make it easier to slip and I don't want to go down that road again. I am going to use your idea of putting mints or gum where I know they leave their cigarettes and commit to using that if I really feel like taking one of their cigarettes. This will hopefully give me a minute to think and change my mind. Thanks for the good idea and your encouragement!!


Most excellent reply and action loving Tabbiekat! Thank you for sharing your HOPE with ME please know I do appreciate your lesson learned of self and learning what NOT to do again given another CHOICE to stay quit or use nicotine just for YOU and Your OWN recovery! CONGRATS Tabbiekat yahooooooo for you!!!


Congrats on your wonderful quit! My sister who smokes, lived with me when I quit. I had smoked for 40 years - so I understand. One of the things Alan Carr ("The Easy Way to quit Smoking" - great book, by the way!) says in his book is that we should feel sorry for smokers - they don't "get to smoke" - they "HAVE to smoke". I kept remembering that and it helped! Congrats again - and stay close.