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Give and get support around quitting


Today is it!!

I postponed my quit date two days and today is the day. I have gone through some major craving even though I am taking Chantix and unfortunately I also have a migraine. My plans were to go out and keep busy but instead I have been napping and resting. I just realized that I have been up for several hours now and it is supper time. I can do it....even if there is cravings. Wish me luck.
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13 Replies

The Best of Luck to You. My quit Day is November 4th. I am actually looking forward to it right now. Talk to me next Friday and we'll see. After 50 years, yes, that's right 50 years, I should be more than ready.
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I quit today -- an hour ago to be exact, but I listed tomorrow as my quit day on the calendar because I really need to get through 24 hours before I will feel good about it. Yesterday I went through a nine-hour training and never thought about cigarettes once. But as soon as I got in the car, I lit one up. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have had any in the car, but I did have one. Smoked another pack since then -- 26 hours ago. I am committed. I am an addictions counselor and have quit a whole bunch of other things -- why has this addiction been so hard? Looking forward to having a place to post my feelings, etc. Glad to know this group is here.

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Good for you.  You can do this.  I quit yesterday too.  I am cranky today, but I know that will not last for long. 

Are those cigs out of your car now.  Hope so, they are too tempting.  Get with some non smoking friends, so

you will not be tempted today.  Good Luck

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Well, I failed miserably but it didn't keep me from getting back on the horse. Started again today. Yep, the cigs are all gone now and I am ready to go to work tomorrow. Having a lot of financial problems and I've been using the stress as an excuse to not quit. Pretty stupid, huh? Especially considering the fact that my bad habit costs me over $5 a pack. Let's make the $$ situation worse! I have managed to not smoke in my house, my yard, my office, my friends' homes. Now if I can just get that darn ignition to work without lighting up (lol). Bought some Commit lozenges in case I get too squirrelly. Thanks for the encouragement. Are you using a nicotine replacement or cold turkey? I really don't want to suck on those Commit things if I can avoid it. Seems like it will only drag out the inevitable nicotine withdrawal.

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