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The worst time for me...first thing after waking..and last before bed!! I keep telling myself why I want to do this...but those times I keep falling...Help!!
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121 Replies

Still have not had a real cig since 1-22-09. Am now almost off the e-cig. Can go till afternoon without using it and am on the lowest nicotine content. It sure makes it easy to quit the real things. I was never able to quit for more than a few hours. I never cared about the real cigs even from the first day. If the electronic cigs were not so much fun in public I would have already given them up. It is so much fun watching the "goody two shoes" going balistic when they see someone smoking in there enviroment. I trully beleive that this is the answer for people that can't quit any other way or keep going back.
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I'm 25 days smoke free and counting....I noticed that I get this feeling now of what did I forget to do?? Pretty much EVERYTHING I did involved smoking and I'm having the hardest time with that. What to do to replace the act of smoking. I don't miss the taste or the smell but I definitly miss the act. Sitting on my back steps with a cup of tea and smoking a cigarette. Stuff like that. Any suggestions??
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Ah, the great outdoors spot! I had trouble with that one too. My favorite spot was outside on the veranda with a cup of coffee. Now every time I have lunch over there I start patting myself down for my lighter before realizing I haven't got one any more. A week or so ago I decided to bring a set of stationary with me, and write a card to someone I haven't seen or heard from in a while. Everyone who got one has been so delighted they don't know what to do with themselves! Since all my coffee and lunch breaks are taken out there, I decided to take the Blackberry with and e-mail every day. Now that I don't have the cigarette in my hand my thumbs are free. I am actually in soooo much better touch with my family I can't believe it!
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I joined this group because I thought it was for quitting smokers who masterbated too much... just kidding! Jeeze! Trigger Happy... get it?

  I guess I don't.

  I have never been happy with triggers. I can come up with any excuse I want should I truly want to smoke. I don't. What is so happy about triggers?

  I don't know I could list about a million triggers, but to think about triggers seems to make me wistful for a smoke when I really don't want one.

  Maybe what are my anti-smoking triggers. Maybe that will help.

  1. Hacking
  2. coughing
  3. stinking like smoke
  4. yellow fingernails
  5. sex is better (sorry... it really is... it's afterward that the ole' trigger wants a smoke but I'll get over it eventually)
  6. it is a social stigma
  7. if you are over 21 and smoking, society considers you an idiot.
  8. the freakin' cost of a pack of smokes! I think I could support a heroin habit for about the same amount... and I don't want to have to get THAT monkey off my back... this monkey has sucked enough.
  9. the better looking 40 somethings don't smoke and I'm all for the better looking female 40 somethings.
  10. I seem to find the non-smoking girls more attractive.
  11. My ex-to-be still smokes and it pisses her off that I quit.

  Now if number 11 isn't worth it to me, nothing else would do. It gives me quite a lift to have 50 days not smoking and I lost 15 pounds too!

  Ukfe Urhe and the old drunk smoker that she has camping at her apartment now. Somehow I ended up with the house... go figure... how did that happen?

  I feel better... look better... and she is starting to look like a smoking cow (ouch).

  I always think of the times that I want a smoke (trigger times)... that I'm being a baby. I always make it way huggger (my word... made it up... larger than huge and if I made it up, it can too have three g's) in my mind.

  People say pitty party... I say pitty museum with lights and cameras and spinning tops. I can spin a tale that is so full of wind that it could power a whole country should I want. I don't want.

  I will just keep it simple today. I will just keep it simple for this half of today. I will just keep it simple for this hour, should I need to. I don't need to, but should I... I certainly hope that I am up for the task of not smoking, not yellowing my teeth, not making my house stink or infecting my pets.

  I have three triggers for not smoking stretched out in various places that remind me not to smoke. Have you ever noticed how a cat looks at you when they get a whiff?

  No kidding, before I quit, I woke up to two cats trying to flush a carton in the middle of the night. Who knew they could flush a toilet?... not to mention that they had to pick a lock on my desk in order to get to them.

  Sorry... it's been a crazy day. Crazy is as crazy does and I iz crazy today. Crazy... but not smoking. I too am a winner.

  Loco (crazy)- Motive (motivated)
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I know that I can go cold turkey. I've gone, the longest since I've started, three months of cold turkey before a major trigger, a girl I knew since I was in my teens, that I thought I loved, pressured me into it. However, going cold turkey is a very good way for me. I can go days, through the first three days to the first week is definitely the hardest. Also, the triggers begin to lose their strength over me after about two weeks. But it takes a rare trigger, one I haven't prepared myself for, to set me off. Going cold turkey, for me, allows me to immediately feel the significant change in my body once the nicotine and carbon monoxide are out of my system and once the oxygen returns to my blood, which is after eight hours without a cigarette. I begin to feel as if I can feel my entire body again and that I am in total control of it. I do find that I am easily influenced by my triggers though. With no steady rock to lean on, I begin to ask myself, how can I? or what's the point? I recently entered into a relationship witht his amazing girl, though she's over ten years older than me, she is an amazing source of strength. But, when she's not around and the triggers are all around me, I begin to lose positive focus on my long term investment in not smoking. So yeah, damn triggers, I am a little happy over you.
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I quit for 1 1/2 years then started back again. I just really wanted one. It was around the holidays too. Bu the hardest time was the mornings - I love that first cigarette - it seems to get me going. Any suggestions on how to do mornings without a cigarette? (I am new here)
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I am drinking tension tamer tea and at night the sleepy time tea, it really helps, I'm trying alot of herbal teas instead of my coffee. I'm doing alot more little things for myself than I did while smoking so these thing's are my treat's for myself, taking it easy and not being hard on myself, counting my blessings thru each craving !!!!
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hey sue im stuck on the mornings too its the worst time of the day im not smoking again but i have to have that nicodemon fix if had any help i would gladly givei it if you get any pass it on peace and love from the ar . hippie
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I am new here. Tomorrow is my quit date. I have quit before, but I always give into my triggers. Have any advice?
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Erika , have you tried Chantix? It works !
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