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The worst time for me...first thing after waking..and last before bed!! I keep telling myself why I want to do this...but those times I keep falling...Help!!
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121 Replies

Gummy bears. gotta have my gummy bears at the computer.
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Newbi here! I'm down to 1 cig. a day but this has been dragging on since Oct. 26, my roughest time is mornings. I can't figure out how to get out of this trigger happy period. It's playing russian ruelet(?) thinking which day, week or month will i be bed ridden because of emphysema i have.
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Pam it seems to me like you are just torturing yourself and dragging your worry out. It is part of the addiction to keep it going while worrying about getting sicker. You are having one single cigarette a day so you really don't need that one. You are just messing with your own head. Throw them out and muscle through the 3 days or so it will take to remove the nicotine and find some different routine for your morning. You can keep your lungs going and improve your health with a walk instead of a smoke!
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thanx Jules! Besides the cig. I AM my worst enemy, i need to get out of my way.
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Yep that is usually how it works. I hope you find a way to do just that. Let me know if I can be of any help.
  90 days clean from the nasty nicodemon.
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i'm pretty new at this.. have been smoking for about 10 yrs and have been smoke free for 2 days and 3 hrs.. i quit spur of the moment, cold turkey.. had no preparation whatsoever.. i just wanted this out of nowhere. well, not out of nowhere, but i didnt plan ahead. i have some of my triggers identified.. i chew gum and eat mints while driving.. i've been trying to eat as healthy as possible while snacking at home.. fruits, granola, weight watchers popsicles, anything thats not too bad.. coffee doesn't bother me much, it's mostly after meals that i feel unsatisfied.. but the worst part is that i'm presently seeing someone and haven't seen him since maybe a week or so ago.. instead of congratulating and supporting me, i was told how much of a weirdo i am now that i stopped... i know i'm going to change a bit while fighting this, meaning my mood and attitude.. but i see no weirdness coming out of it.. i think he may be a trigger! nonetheless, i had one of the worst cravings ever and just sat and cried.. i guess avoiding him would be the best thing for me?
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Hi Regina and Erick and welcome. You are right Erick that with the good support of all the people here staying quit is very doable.

  Regina - does this guy smoke by chance? Or use other drugs or alcohol to excess? If so he probably doesn't want you to succeed at getting clean when he cannot. And all addicts like someone to use with them. I think you are right in saying you need to stay away from him for now. Or forever if he is going to treat you like crap anyway.

  I hope you are both still going strong!!!
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Thanks Erick and Jules...
  Actually.. to be honest.. he drinks alot. I've come to figure out it's to hide some pain he's got hidden.. I know him pretty well.. and can't help but feel bad for him and understand his selfishness. I don't mind.. because I know I'm a tough little one and I can beat this.. He is not my rock.. he is not stable enough to be a rock lol.. maybe I'll call him my pebble.. since pebbles can atleast roll around lol. I know it's terrible.. but the crazy thing is.. through all these emotions I've been trying to cope with.. without smoking.. I've realized I don't think I've ever truly faced them. I kind of recently decided that I'm tired of his crap and I will not wait around for him anymore.. Which really came out of nowhere.. I like the person I'm becoming because I don't bite my tongue anymore, I guess smoking was just another way to keep my mouth busy when I should have been telling people how I really felt!!
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Coffe and the phone are my triggers!
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Regina that is very cool to discover your tongue as you say. That is a hard one for people to do - learning to stick up for yourself and saying it how it is. I love it that you call him a pebble. Funny.

  Samantha - I had those triggers too. After the first 9 days they were gone. The only time the phone thing comes up anymore is if I am having an argument with someone on the phone. Then I just get off and cool down which is a good thing when arguing anyway! Just wait and the habit triggers will go away.
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