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The letter before D-day which was Feb 29th

I did Chantix and their program too. I wrote myself a letter the day before I quit. Here is a copy of my letter. I am so proud of myself now. Enjoy!!


Dear Cigarettes,

I have been thinking about how to write this for a day now. As I type I still have you lit.

I remember 41 years ago when i first stole one of you from my step-father. At that time it was not illegal for minors to buy cigarettes. I always like you and now I really can't let you go. You are more than just an addiction you are a habit and old habits are hard to change.

I didn't figure up the totally cost of you for 41 yrs but for 18 years that me and my Dave have been together, we have spend $45,000 on you. And you know what, you just went up in smoke.

My personal reasons for quitting are because you are making me sick. I can't breathe and my lungs are full of black gunk. I keep getting pneumonia and I know you are the reason.

I feel that I can't do this but I am going to try real hard to kick you out of my life. Let me go. Stop holding on to me like I belong to you because I don't. I hate you and want you long gone.

I hope after you are gone, I will be able to start breathing some fresh clean air. I hope that some years will be added to my life. I haven't done or seen all I want to yet but I want to do them without you.

Goodbye Forever cigarettes. Astilavista baby

Debbie furr
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1 Reply

That. Was great. Good Luck!
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