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Give and get support around quitting


Thank God for a support group online :)

I am 43 and a nurse....and having a heck of a time trying to quit intermittently on my own. I have three kids (17, 22, and 25), a granddaughter who is 6, and a boyfriend who chain smokes...ugghhh.   So, I joined the "EX" site and am hoping for great results! My history: I started smoking at 13...gulp. I smoked for ten years, quit during pregnancies, then quit when I was 23. I started again by just having one stupid cigarette when I was 33 and very stressed. It was one or two a day for the first year or so, then 3-4, now about ten a day. I'm glad to see there is a supportive site like this and a study that offers help with it as it is a tough thing to get through. I don't know about you all, but when I get a nicotine fit, it last for hours, I get clumsy, and feel terrible. I think using the patch will help wean me gradually to where the withdrawals will be irritating, but tolerable. Hardest part is that I need to be highly functioning and able to think on my feet while caring for my patients, so I feel the patch will help with this transition I am about to go through. I think meditation, a little yoga, along with lots of water and allowing myself to just be will help too. I may take up where I left off with painting to fill the void a little. Take care all and wish you all great sucess! Rachel

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2 Replies

Welcome to the site Rachel! I started smoking around the age of 13 too. The patch really does help. Especially after the first couple of days. For some reason the first three days seemed to be the hardest for me. It sounds to me like you have a good plan for quitting. I wish I could paint sounds like something fun and productive to do. Well, Welcome again and wishing you the best on quitting! Mat 

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