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Smoke Dreams Anyone?

It will be 30 days tomorrow since my last smoke.  I feel I am doing pretty good with re-learning a smoke free lifestyle and looking forward to when the smoking ban in bars goes into effect April 1st here in Michigan.   I did have an interesting dream last night though.  I dreamt that I was driving and decided to smoke and midway through my cigarette I got really angry with myself and tossed it out the window with disgust.  Anyone else have smoking dreams.  I figure its a good sign that I was dreaming of wanting to quit and not of some smokers bliss 🙂

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12 Replies

How Funny !!!!   ..  congraats  on your almost 30 day victory !!!  ..  I have so been there ( the smoke dream)  ..  I just decided to quit .. again .. for the 3rd time this year..    however, in my defense,  I  have never joined  this type of  help-sight before... It makes me feel great .. (its not just me  thats having these problems)..   kep up the awsome work ..  


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It has been just 30 days for me today . I am still having smoke dreams. They don't upset me so much  now but they are still there. When I think about it's not really all that suprising considering I  smoked for over 40 years. My  mind is full of smoking memories. In my dreams I find myself smoking in strange places. Like on a bus. I can't remember the last time I was ever on a Bus.

Your are doing a great job on your quit.. Be proud!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, I had smoke dreams when i smoked and now that i quit i am sure they will drive me crazy.  I want to smoke!

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I have really gotten discusted with cigs and threw them out while awake!

I have had dreams of not being able to breath...that was a sign for sure! scary scary

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I dreamed the other night that I was smoking big time.  Wanted to go back to sleep so I could smoke..

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I've been a non-smoker for 71 days and have had several smoking dreams.  I smoked for 17 years which is over half my life so it's only natural right?  But when I was a smoker I never had dreams about smoking...the weird thing is that I felt so guilty in my dream for smoking.  It's like I not only let myself down but all of those people who have been so encouraging to my need to quit.  It's a tough thing to do since it's a complete lifestyle change but it's possible.  The dreams seem to happen less frequently the longer you've been quit so don't let them misguide you.  I think it's just our brain telling us that we have once again disrupted it's chemical dependency.

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Yes I had a smoke dream the other nite..when I woke up I was so thankful it was just a dream...Shirley

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My friend told me that she heard when a person has a dream like this its a sign that they will truly quit smoking and stay quit!

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I dreamt last night that I lit up despite my honest desire not to be a smoker.  When I woke this morning I was so disgusted with myself.  I was convinced that I wasted the past 5 days of fighting.  Then I realized that not only did I not smoke, but that I could not fly an airplane (as I did in said dream).  I cannot express the elation I felt when I realized my stop date was still 3/8/2010.  Please keep up the fight.  Dont give up.  When you can no longer take the craving, reach out to someone else.  Taste their desire to stop. 

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