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Give and get support around quitting


Scared to death

I am 30 year 18 year smoker and I was told recently that if I didn't quit smoking the man that I love is going to leave me because he hated watching me commit suicide one cigarette at a time. I have had a lot of different things going on in my life that I have used as excuses NOT to quit smoking. But all of those things are now gone and it is time to quit. I went today and bought the Nicoderm Patch and with some hope and prayers and a back bone of steel I am hoping to quit. I don't want to lose something that means the world to me. If anyone has any hints to help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Tomorrow is D day to be tobacco free. 

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1 Reply

Hey its 5 days later from you post and just was wondering about ur D day to be tobacco free. What has happened to u and how are u doing?  Alot of pressure has been put on you it sounds like and i have tried the patch and just made me feel awful.  I do think my only way will be the will power to say no and to manage those triggers they discuss on the website.  I never tried the support from others, hoping it will help much more then my last quit date.  I hope u are successful in ur journey and please let us know how u are doing. 🙂

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