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Give and get support around quitting


Scared to death

18 days away from my quit date and already scared to death of failing. Quitting smoking is the last step of my journey to a healthy lifestyle. My journey started March 1, 2013 weighing in at almost 300 pounds. I have lost over 100 pounds and feel amazing, but on the downside, I use cigarettes as a crutch when I "think" I am hungry. I am terrified of gaining weight again.

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7 Replies

Totally know how you feel. I've lost almost 100 pounds and that is my biggest fear is gaining it all back!
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Have you started your journey to stop smoking jwa?  I am glad that someone has the same fear that I do. 

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Yes my quit date is April 12. I'm not sure I can do it but I'm going to try. I have an app on my phone called quit that is supposed to help step me down gradually. I've tried cold turkey and I know I can't do it that way so I'm gonna give this my best shot!
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You can do it!  You are going to be a new person with your amazing weight loss and becoming an ex smoker, what an accomplishment  you are making.  Inspiring me to keep my goals . 

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I hope so! We definitely have to keep in touch cause this way we aren't doing it alone! Maybe we can check in from time to time with each other and see if we can inspire each other to keep going!!!
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Since you lost all the weight it would be a real terrioble to gain it back. Keep focussing on your daily work out routine. I teach yoga and during the time I never ever think of anything bit what I am doing in the moment. My quit date it in 2 wks saturday . yep stared just like you guys., but it is better to try then NOT and then having regreats. I think we are her in a bgreat company, supporting each other in this quest to be smoke free and heathy as much as we can we. 

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Sorry my key board is bit screwy, forgive the speling mistakes. Try to type fast

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