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Reset Quit Clock?

I have heard a lot of people here say they have slipped and had to start all over and reset their quit clock.  So what consitutes a relapse in your book?  Is it a puff, a cigarette, is it smoking for 1 day, a whole pack, a weekend, a week, a month......I'm just curious what other people consider a relapse.  Do you hold yourself to the same timeframe if you have not smoked for a week vs. 10 years?

Last updated 7 hours ago by Jaynalynn

I have been completely  smoke free for 3 days now. If i subtract the one ciggerette that i smoked friday night it has be 5 days. But  I don't think that does me any justice. I would have to say that any nicotine in your systems would be a relapse. At the end of the day its the reasons we quit that really matters. 

Stay strong

Digitalcheffe 6 hours ago


I'm with the above.  Sneaking a drag or smoking a whole cigarette - or whole day or pack - bottom line is, you smoked!  It's time to be honest with ourselves.   We can sneak around and hide our smoking from our spouse, our parents, our coworkers - but dang if we can hide it from ourselves.  You KNOW it's going to taste bad.  You KNOW it's going to smell bad.  You KNOW how hard the first few days are.  Is it worth it?  Then it's worth resetting your quit clock.

Just my opinion - more reinforcement for myself than anything!

Sunbow 6 hours ago


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190 Replies

What if Im on the gum or on a patch? Doesnt that also mean that nicotine is still in my system and that Im just off cigs and not really off nicotine? And if so, im not totally off it?

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I was fine for the first three days. Day four became tough. I was 'Jonesing' so bad, that I picked up a pack on the morning of day 5 (and a lighter). Of course, they had a two pack special - so I bought two (how dumb).

It has now been two days of smoking - again - and the nighttime coughing is back - I am going to have to start all over again. Wish me luck. I may be one of those that it takes me 10 time to finally quit for good, but I am not giving up (yet).

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hello, it will be nine weeks for me this sunday, yay too, i have been smoking cigarettes for 33 years i am now 44 relatively good health, i just was so over cigarettes i let it go with the help of patch 8 week program and boy do i feel good, i am proud of my accomplishment....

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Will my Mom died of cancer on 04/05/2010 and I told her I would quit smoking in her Honor so this time I have to make it..I hve quit so many times before but always went back when things get tough....I quit before when I was on here and one puff started me back I was at a Christmas Party and we were drinking and my bussiness partner said lets go smoke a cig I had never so much as even thought of one tell he said that...I said oh heck I can smoke one not a problem...I did and started right back Now I know one puff makes you a smoker again...Karen

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Hello everyone!

I tried to quit smoking back in March and it lasted all of 4 days I think. I am feeling like I am ready to try again. The problem is I would like to reset my quit date on here but for some reason it won't let me.  Does anyone know how I can reset it?  Congrats to all of you who have stayed quit!  I hope I can be that strong!!

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You are only one puff away from a pack a day! 

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Everyone is different.  For me, I think "one puff away from a pack a day" 

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Today is my first day, I enjoyed reading as this is part of my support, I agree if you smoke one cigarette, then reset the clock.  Nicotine is addictive and it only take one, if you do not buy some, and find yourself buming then, you convert to a beggar. If you smoke one and no desire for another,then,, if you want another "RESET THE CLOCK".


Best thing I did was joined this org.  


Thanks, my quit day is 7/15/2010. So I can talk,as I prep for my quit day. I am doing it for my health and cannot afford them.

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One puff or one cigarrete is a relapse. I am quitting tommorrow and am completely panicked. I don't work and need to keep busy somehow. Cigarrettes are a reward for me.

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1 puff = 1 relapse period, start over do not pass go!!

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