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Give and get support around quitting


I need support and help to quit, and trust me my life depends on it.. I have a very different situation and need a quit date buddy.

I have smoked since I was 15. I never had any lung, or breathing issues until about a year ago. I was diagnosed with COPD chronic broncitis and 1st stange of enphazema....but this is only part of the problem that is going on. I havent set a quit date yet but honestly my life depends on it...... It is extremly hard for me to quit because ever day I am in more pain that I can physically discribe. I can only tell you my story. Ten years ago I ruptured and herniated a disc in my spine L5. I suffered on pain medication for two years and couldnt the point of pain beyond any and all things I had ever known. I have been wanting to quit smoking, as I have two young sons to raise. However in this type of pain and depression quitting seems only something that would happen in a perfect world. I know if I dont stop I will die very soon. I can bearly breathe. The thought seems so easy, but after so many failed attempted I am becoming weary and need someone to help me as a buddy system..

My condition has worsened over the last ten years as pain as horrible as you can ever imagine causes extreme depression, and a disease called Fibromyaligia which again is even more all over body pain. I dont know how or what has happened to my body, as I always ate healthy and when something like this happens you think your own body has turned against you.

I have tried everything...Patches, gum, electronic cigs, and Wellbutrin and Chantix...I need to bite the bullet and do it!! I have never done anything like this and possibly support is what I have needed. I must stop and I can imagine someone who also has medical issues similar may be able to benefit because they actually understand what I am going through.. If you havent set a date yet and you need a quit budy please contact me..

thanks so much for reading my story!!!

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6 Replies

I have already quit but I'll be your support buddy if you're interested?  If you blog you will probably get more responses : - ).

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Hello angel, this is a great place to get support.....when you know the places to go. The software and the site itself acan be a bit confusing to use. Please feel free to join the New Daily Pledge Group, it seems to help some folks in the early parts of their quit to stay focused each day......YOU CAN DO THIS! Like so many of here that believed as you do, you to can be seccessful in this! You will probably even find that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 🙂


In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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I mostly just want to communicate with others when I am fighting the urge or the rationilization. Personally I am so sick and tired of smoking. I hate it. I started again a couple of months ago. I am 48 and in law enforcement training. I was catching myself sneaking them and saying only a few blah blah blah it is a damn nuisance. I want to be smoke free again. I have been sick for over a week - smoking aggravates my allergies - I am coughing at night. The first 2-3 weeks is such a pain. I had this awesome quit smoking guided meditation CD that I got for free (I am a starving student) I ripped the computer boxes apart looking for it today. I think I gave it to my dad.  AKKKK does anyone have a website where I can download a free one.  Meditation always helps me. I know if I can hang in there about 3-5 more days I can get a month and then 3 months. The longest I have ever had was 3 years, 2 months and 12 days. 

Dear Angel I feel you - I am so worried about the health consequences and I know in my heart that when I smoke I feel like crap! I always hate myself for relapsing.  I hope you make it! I don't want anyone to be sick from this addiction. For me I guess I just get to a point where I can't stand it anymore - I am afraid to take the pills.

Hello James:  Thank you. I am so sick of it. I tried to smoke one a few days ago and I started to gag on it! I hate when I lite up and the whole time I am making an ugly face and snarling at myself or hiding behind the house. It is disgusting.

Hello Jim: I hope so - I have never actually tried to "ask for help" From 18-30 when I wanted to guit I just cold turkey and grit my teeth, then from about 35-42 I used the patches which were awesome and did extra workouts I started again during my divorce that was almost 3 years ago DAMN I can't seem to get more than a few weeks or months.  I need to reach out and say to someone anyone - talk me out of it AAAAKKKK  HA HA HA !!!!!!!

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Dear Angel;

I am not sure that smoking will eliminate all of your health problems but I can only imagine that it will make you feel much better and at least some problems for you.

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I am just starting this and have NO at home support. So i can see where you are coming from.

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Hello I am also trying to quit and have tried many times in the past and have not succeeded, I would love to be your smoke budde it you still need it


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